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Nov 4, 2005
Elgin, IL, USA.
I just picked up pen turning... still learning, I've only turned 8 pens so far and I still have a lot to learn, but here is what I've done so far.

These are pens 3 through 8 from left to right. I started using CA to finish and so the first two pens I did were just some oak scrap I had laying around.


Here are the first 2 I made with shellwax.


I really need to work on the finish... I use sandpaper up to 1500 grit and I tried using some paper bag material after that, but I still cant get a mirror shine. I get close, but if you really look close you can see really faint scratches... I'm thinking of getting a buffing wheel next.

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Nice job Chuck, welcome to the addiction. That sure looks like a good start to me. There is a lot of good advice in the finishing section of this website. Kick back and open a cold one and read thru a few of those posts and you will get all sorts of ideas of finishes to try. Keep posting your work, we look forward to it.
Let's see, 8 pens turned and one of them is a glue-up w/a very non-traditional barrel shape (which I really like, BTW![:D]). Yep, you've got it bad, Chuck!!! [}:)] Just keep working on your finishing techniques and you'll come up w/something that works for you.
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