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Aug 16, 2007
Gatineau, QC, Canada.
Someone on an another forum (a French speaking one), complained about acrylester. I had two piece, so I figured I'd try. The first blew up just as the drill bit was exiting the blank. I guess I went too fast...

For the second piece, I lef the blank longer and drill just a tad more. The extra length of blank was to allow me to cut the blank to a more accurate length clearing the drilled hole. No problems there.

Upon turning, no issues at all. A charm, (okay it's stinks a tad). Compared to acrylic, it is more fibrous (can I say that?).

Here's the result after micromesh and Hut Plastic Polish

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I agree. Where did you get the blank? Very nice pen. For your future plastic drillings you might want to try turning with water. I generally save up my acrylic blanks and drill several at once because of the mess. (1) I keep the drill bit cool by pouring water directly on the bit as I am cutting. (2) I frequently back out of the hole to allow the shavings to spin off and (3) fill the hole with water before I re-insert the bit. Makes a hell of a mess, but I no longer blow out plastic blanks.
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