Finally going home

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Seeing you post again is wonderful to see. Many hurdles ahead, but I suspect the worst is behind you. Well wishes my friend! 🙏
Glad to hear this good news, Ernie .... and especially directly from you !!

Good luck with your continuing recuperation !! . Thoughts are going your way !!
Being in your own home will be a good milestone in your healing process, Ernie. Hope that you will be back at the lathe soon, that in itself will be a good motivation for you.
All the very best for your future.
Great news! Still praying...

Get to the workshop ASAP - it's the best physical therapy available wood (and acrylic!-) shaving therapy.
great news and from the horses mouth as well !!

Hope all goes according to plan and you get to enjoy your hobby whilst recovering further. Nice to have you back.🙏
I've been in hospital since January 4th. Due to a very bad head on collision. I'm actually gonna go home in 4 days, Wednesday April 21st. Have a long way to go. But looking forward to making pens again!
I don't know you, I am a newbie, but that is excellent news! Nothing like the comfort of your own home.
I've been in hospital since January 4th. Due to a very bad head on collision. I'm actually gonna go home in 4 days, Wednesday April 21st. Have a long way to go. But looking forward to making pens again!
That is great news to hear Ernie! Take it easy and heal up as fast as you can!

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