fifty cal.

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Aug 22, 2005
Fairchance Pa. USA.
this is a 50 cal. and 30.06,all the 50 has to do is get close to you to do some serious damage.

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I just finished reading a magazine article on shooting the 50. 1000 yards is the standard distance for competitions.......almost 3/5 of a mile. According to the article, the record for a five shot group at that distance is 2.3 inches!! WOW !!! There lots of folks who can't shoot a 2" group at a hundred yards with their own deer rifle.
Someone just sent me a pic of a US Sniper in Iraq that got someone who was trying to sneak with a vest on that had plastic explosives he used the Barrett .50 cal sniper rifle & took him out with a head shot at 1,500 yards. Dam that is one powerful weapon. Go ahead reach out & touch someone[:D]

I'm not familiar with the capabilities of vests; but would hazard a guess that all but possibly the very best would of little help against a 50 cal. pill??
Originally posted by Randy_
<br />I'm not familiar with the capabilities of vests; but would hazard a guess that all but possibly the very best would of little help against a 50 cal. pill??

Randy, I saw the photos Recon mentioned. Let me just say that it was a head shot.
Originally posted by bnoles
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Originally posted by guts
<br />sorry i put this in the wrong place.

This is good to know..... I was afraid you were going to make a pen out of that thing.... [8D]

It's been done. Look at my post in the 'intended' thread.
Paul in AR
Originally posted by dfurlano
<br />Someone sells these as pens on the internet. I think they tried and applied for a patent.
I saw a site a while back that had 50 cal pens for sale. They were not powder coated, used inexpensive BIC refills and could not be retracted.

Paul in AR
Originally posted by dfurlano
<br />Someone sells these as pens on the internet. I think they tried and applied for a patent.

there is a patent on a 50 bmg pen online and its for sale. this is a picture this is a pic of the patent.

I dont know anything about patents but from what i was able to read its just for a 50 bmg marker(kinda like a sharpi pen) pen.
That patent appears to only be for the Marker version of the pen. Curious that he went through the process of getting a patent and now wants to sell it. Also I did not see them for sale at that site.


Oh, nevermind. I went back to that site some more. It looks like this is all this guy does. Patents on small items that he then tries to sell. Still curious.
Originally posted by recon
<br />Someone just sent me a pic of a US Sniper in Iraq that got someone who was trying to sneak with a vest on that had plastic explosives he used the Barrett .50 cal sniper rifle & took him out with a head shot at 1,500 yards. Dam that is one powerful weapon. Go ahead reach out & touch someone[:D]


Is there a link to these pics,
Originally posted by LostintheWoods
<br />Randy, for the record, a vest would only make it slightly easier for the cleanup crew.....there is no vest available that will withstand a .50 cal. shot.

Shannon: That's what I figured. I asked the original question as I didn't understand why a head shot was being taken instead of the higher probability body shot? In rereading the original post, I see the vest being referred to was probably an explosive vest rather than a protective vest; but nontheless, why headshots.....or was it a body shot that missed??
Originally posted by Randy_
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Originally posted by LostintheWoods
<br />Randy, for the record, a vest would only make it slightly easier for the cleanup crew.....there is no vest available that will withstand a .50 cal. shot.

Shannon: That's what I figured. I asked the original question as I didn't understand why a head shot was being taken instead of the higher probability body shot? In rereading the original post, I see the vest being referred to was probably an explosive vest rather than a protective vest; but nontheless, why headshots.....or was it a body shot that missed??

It is my understanding that snipers are trained to take the one shot that will kill the target with 1 shot. so a head shot would be a gaurentte one shot one kill.
As has been pointed out there is no protection a human is going to wear to protect from a .50 BMG. Presuming you could wear enough steel to stop it the kinetic force would be more than enough to still rupture tissues behind the steel.

These are the same rounds that were used in WWII and Korea to take out armored personel carriers of the time. So penetrating a couple inches of steel plate is not an issue for them.

On the sniper piece I am not sure what is current but a retired sniper friend of mine said that when he was trained a head shot was the only acceptable choice. Not only was it the whole one shot one kill, but it is an instant kill with no possible recourse from the target.

Having fired the Barrett .50 a few times the recoil felt from the shooters spot is more than enough for me to never want to be anywhere near the front side of one being fired.
The reason he went for a head shot, from what I am reading, is that the person was wearing an explosive vest, and he wanted to reduce the chance of it going off, when the target was hit by the bullet. The record for a one shot kill is 2430 yards, fired by a Canadian Sniper, while on duty with an American Unit. He received an American Medal for it, and his service while with the unit, but the Canadian military will not let him wear it, and he was even shund by the Canadian military afterwards. I would have thought they would be happy as hell that he was able to do it. Still can't understand why the Canadian won't let him wear the medal though, he earned it.

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