Feb.1 Daily Trivia Question

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Local Chapter Leader
Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
Welcome to day 1 of the Daily Trivia Contest!

You will be competing for:
1.a. Certificate from Mutt Blanks a $50.00 value
1.b. Sanding Mill from rherrell a $25.00 value

Question for day 1 is: Day 1- Q.- In any thread, there is a "QR" button at the bottom of your post. What does the "QR" mean?

Email your answers to trivia@penturners.org and be sure to put the date for the question in the subject line.
The instructions are in this thread:
Good luck and, Happy Hunting! Remember, you have until 12:00 noon EST "Tomorrow" to answer the question. You can only submit ONE answer.
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
You definetly need to include your IAP member id, an essay of 500 words on why Florida is much better this time of year over Indiana wouldnt hurt your chances any!:biggrin:
I sure hope the answer is Hill's Weeping Fig, this is the right contest for that answer isn't it.

Sure why not. :biggrin:


SO from this search I am seeing quick response?

I guess if you post something you need a quick response from, it will send a message to your computer causing it to go into a fit and setting off internal alarms causing you and your forty nearest neighbors to be awaken. Once you have a chance to respond to your message, you will have a knock at the door from your forty neighbors with pitchforks wanting to "talk" to you as well. :bananen_smilies104:
I sure hope the answer is Hill's Weeping Fig, this is the right contest for that answer isn't it.

Sure why not. :biggrin:


SO from this search I am seeing quick response?

I guess if you post something you need a quick response from, it will send a message to your computer causing it to go into a fit and setting off internal alarms causing you and your forty nearest neighbors to be awaken. Once you have a chance to respond to your message, you will have a knock at the door from your forty neighbors with pitchforks wanting to "talk" to you as well. :bananen_smilies104:

Here's a free tip - if you want a better chance at winning, don't give your answers to everyone! :)

Send your answer, with your IAP screen name, to the address above - then all CORRECT answers enter a draw each day for the prize!
I sure hope the answer is Hill's Weeping Fig, this is the right contest for that answer isn't it.

Sure why not. :biggrin:


SO from this search I am seeing quick response?

I guess if you post something you need a quick response from, it will send a message to your computer causing it to go into a fit and setting off internal alarms causing you and your forty nearest neighbors to be awaken. Once you have a chance to respond to your message, you will have a knock at the door from your forty neighbors with pitchforks wanting to "talk" to you as well. :bananen_smilies104:

Im pretty sure you need to e-mail your response to the above link and not post it.
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Double geek joke:
The answer is "Quiet Riot" It is a constant reminder to members in the know that headbanging causes hair loss, and neck problems.
And here I thought it was Quanity Reassurance! It's a term used with Quilted Rugs, and it means they will be Quickly Restocked when they run out.
Yes, but posting the wrong answers here will also double your chances of winning against those that believe you and copy the wrong answer!. Sadly I am ineligible to enter the contests but I can still kibitz.:biggrin:
I sure hope the answer is Hill's Weeping Fig, this is the right contest for that answer isn't it.

Sure why not. :biggrin:


SO from this search I am seeing quick response?

I guess if you post something you need a quick response from, it will send a message to your computer causing it to go into a fit and setting off internal alarms causing you and your forty nearest neighbors to be awaken. Once you have a chance to respond to your message, you will have a knock at the door from your forty neighbors with pitchforks wanting to "talk" to you as well. :bananen_smilies104:

Here's a free tip - if you want a better chance at winning, don't give your answers to everyone! :)

Send your answer, with your IAP screen name, to the address above - then all CORRECT answers enter a draw each day for the prize!

Doh.. I hadn't slept much last night, I googled it and got that answer as a joke.. It was pretty close to the real one though :redface:
Feb.1 Answer

Our first two winners are:





The answer we were looking for was- Quick Reply

There were 131 participants and they were assigned the number that their entry was received in. The two random numbers generated were 41 and 112.

Prize 1.a. - Gift Certificate from Mutt Blanks $50.00 value
Prize 1.b. - Sanding Mill from rherrell $25.00 value

Again congratulations to Heartofapen and cal91666
Man I'm so glad I didn't order the sanding mill on his website after seeing his bash specials last night!!!!!! Thanks
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