Ear Bud Modification

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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
I don't know about you guys, but I hate ear buds as they never seem to fit MY ear. Over the Ear Earphones are great as long as you aren't moving much, and if it isn't too hot (sweaty ears aren't fun. Some of the others are okay, but they can be down right expensive and I always seem to break them.

Then, when I was surfing youtube one day I saw a vid on using silicon putty to modify a cheap set of earbuds into monitors for use while playing guitar. I already had a cheap set of Skullcandy ear buds ($14) that I bought when I broke my last set and did the same as the vid. Two little dabs of the Silicone Putty and play with my ear for a couple minutes, let it harden. Later I used a file to ease the edges of the ear buds and viola. Perfect fit.

I'll post pics a later.
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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
and the pics.

Custom fit to MY ears. When I go to remove them, I have to pull the back away from my ear as the front is in the canal, where it is supposed to be anyway, but since its formed to your ear cavity it can't move without the back coming out first.

$15 ear buds.
$1 worth of Silicon putty
30 minutes

You could have a set professionally made for a few hundred. (trip to audiologist to let them take a mold of your ears and a couple weeks waiting for them to be made.)


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