Dumb or Brilliant??

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Feb 22, 2005
Just got an email today saying that I can get a free bolt action knife if I buy something or other. I had to look this thing up and my first thought is lawsuit waiting to happen. In my eyes this has to be one of their dumbest ideas ever constructed. I know they are all about gimmicks and gadgets but this. My thought is being the same mechanism as their bolt action pens the mistake to use this is there. Plus being it has a clip you carry in pocket as a pen. all I can see is this bolt action slipping down and exposing a razor sharp knife. why is this needed?

So I thought I would ask you is this a good idea or a bust?

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I bought a starter set of these when they first came out. My wife is a quilter and my brother does leatherwork, so I ordered the starter kit. I made one for each of us and they were an instant hit. Showed mine to a friend who makes wreaths - then gave it to her cause she liked it so much. Showed them to one of my daughter's-in-law who is a professional baker. She thought it would be great for opening sacks of flour so I made one for her and for her mother who is her assistant ... and another one for me. Then I ordered more. This time I made 2 for me and had the others in reserve. Gave one of mine to my youngest son the accountant and I'm sure when my military son gets back from overseas he'll want one too. I keep them in stock now

It's not great for opening mail - the blade is too sharp, but it's great for opening packages that are taped shut, less chance of cutting yourself than with a knife. I recommend using a set of forceps or tweezers to insert the blade into the housing. Otherwise you're going to be handling a sharp point and I've got holes in my thumb that recommend forceps.

I'm sold on them. This is a useful tool, not a novelty. Here's a pic of some I made and a Footprints in the Sand pen alongside them.



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I have an Xacto knife that I cover with the cap from an old stick pen. Never crossed my mind for a pen-type project.
Interesting! - I do the same thing. Just trying to prevent stabbing myself when I reach into the drawer to retrieve it. At work we also had some triangular deals that slipped over the handle to act as a roll stop. - Dave
I bought a starter set of these when they first came out. My wife is a quilter and my brother does leatherwork, so I ordered the starter kit. I made one for each of us and they were an instant hit. Showed mine to a friend who makes wreaths - then gave it to her cause she liked it so much. Showed them to one of my daughter's-in-law who is a professional baker. She thought it would be great for opening sacks of flour so I made one for her and for her mother who is her assistant ... and another one for me. Then I ordered more. This time I made 2 for me and had the others in reserve. Gave one of mine to my youngest son the accountant and I'm sure when my military son gets back from overseas he'll want one too. I keep them in stock now

It's not great for opening mail - the blade is too sharp, but it's great for opening packages that are taped shut, less chance of cutting yourself than with a knife. I recommend using a set of forceps or tweezers to insert the blade into the housing. Otherwise you're going to be handling a sharp point and I've got holes in my thumb that recommend forceps.

I'm sold on them. This is a useful tool, not a novelty. Here's a pic of some I made and a Footprints in the Sand pen alongside them.

Yeah, I could see them being popular with the crafter/Cricut crowd.

I prefer a full sized utility knife but others who are cutting smaller with more accurate cuts would probably dig them.
I think it is an interesting idea. I agree, it seems a bit small for general practical use. I also can totally see the concern @jttheclockman has about accidental extension and risk there.

IMO, I think the idea is a good one, but maybe the execution is off. I feel it should be a capped pen, rather than a bolt action. With a screw on cap, there would be little to no risk of accidentally cutting yourself. If the cap was postable, then you never lose the cap... Seems like an idea that cold have merit, if it was executed well.
I think it is an interesting idea. I agree, it seems a bit small for general practical use. I also can totally see the concern @jttheclockman has about accidental extension and risk there.

IMO, I think the idea is a good one, but maybe the execution is off. I feel it should be a capped pen, rather than a bolt action. With a screw on cap, there would be little to no risk of accidentally cutting yourself. If the cap was postable, then you never lose the cap... Seems like an idea that cold have merit, if it was executed well.
Ask and ye shall receive - PSI heard your request and here's their response - capped, postable hobby knives - in 3 platings.

Ask and ye shall receive - PSI heard your request and here's their response - capped, postable hobby knives - in 3 platings.

Now that makes more sense and is alot safer to the point you are not mistaken it for a pen. The bolt action thing just did not make sense to me and is much more dangerous in so many ways.
I worked in the graphic arts field, offset printer for 26 years and used an xacto knife everyday for doing layouts and stripping film. I had one that was a pen style just like the ones mentioned, however that one had a button on top built into the pocket clip and was spring loaded. I loved the small blade and the only issue I had with it was they seemed to walk off my light table often, so I had to hide it at the end of the day. I like the bolt action design and if you know that it is not a pen, I see no issue with it. I will make one for myself later.
Now that makes more sense and is alot safer to the point you are not mistaken it for a pen. The bolt action thing just did not make sense to me and is much more dangerous in so many ways.
I like the bolt action because it's either extended or retracted and locks in the extended position. You can't accidentally extend it because if you don't lock it, it will automatically retract. We used to reuse hypodermic needles, just put the cap back on it and use it again. We rarely cap needles any more because of the number of needle sticks medical people got. I've been stuck with exacto-type knives that came with caps before. I think the bolt action is safer than those. These from PSI have a longer cap on them than the ones I'd used before so should be safer. Still have to pay attention when you cap it.
I like the bolt action because it's either extended or retracted and locks in the extended position. You can't accidentally extend it because if you don't lock it, it will automatically retract. We used to reuse hypodermic needles, just put the cap back on it and use it again. We rarely cap needles any more because of the number of needle sticks medical people got. I've been stuck with exacto-type knives that came with caps before. I think the bolt action is safer than those. These from PSI have a longer cap on them than the ones I'd used before so should be safer. Still have to pay attention when you cap it.
I guess we look at them differently and sure PSI will sell some but I do not look that to be a huge seller. Who are they targeting? If they are targeting knitters then make them like there knitting stuff and the one with the cap does that. Are they targeting the gun totters of the world because of the bolt action then I ask why? I say it is DUMB. The blade retracks so little so trying to use to cut patterns or something, the body of the pen portion will get in the way. Not buying it.
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