Duck call maker turned pen turner

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May 13, 2015
Hi. I make mainly duck and turkey calls. And I haven't made many pens...three to be exact. But here are the ones I made recently as gifts for family members. Now I am accumulating pen making tools, which I said I'd never do. I do scrimshaw on almost everything I make. The latest one is for my daughter's graduation from law school next week. Will look forward to learning more on this forum.

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Mike two things you know how to do one is communicate the other is how to make the greatest first exposure on this forum I have ever seen I doubt very much if I ever will see the like again. One is a statement two pure perfection to me. THere is a Guild of Craftsman somebody nominate this man right away.

A great pleasure to come onto the site at midnight over here minus 5 degrees celcius then lovely sunshine as we go into winter in a couple of weeks the long day has been rewarded handsomely.

Welcome from Australia Mike. Thankyou for sharing.

Kind regards Peter.
Welcome from Texas.
Those are some gorgeous pens!
Great work & thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the comments. It's so interesting to see the geographic diversity of this group...spread all around the world. I do have a lot to learn. For starters, I learned making these how important keeping things square is...something I keep relearning in everything I do.

I also started with no knowledge and didn't fully explore this forum, so, I put a lot of work into making pens with mediocre parts, at best. I wish I had known what parts and parts suppliers to use and invested more in the parts to make these long-lasting quality gifts. Live and learn, I suppose.

Here is one more picture of the back of the pen lid I did for my daughter's law school graduation. You can't see the full pic due to the tight diameter of the lid. But it gives an idea.

Thanks again.


Welcome aboard!!!!

I hoping to see some of those duck calls soon? If there are on(or above) the quality of these turnings....I'm probably going to be really inspired to go make a few dozen more duck calls!!!

Scott (don't be shy) B
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