Don't you hate it...

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Oct 18, 2011
Shelby NC

I was very excited yesterday. I had an awesome piece of amboyna all ready to go on the lathe, and I knew I had one more Polaris kit hanging on the wall waiting to make a pen. I forgot that the polaris kit on the wall was the one I had to rob a transmission out of to repair a church member's pen. No pen joy last night. :(

I stopped by Packard today to pick up another Polaris kit until I could order the transmission from PSI, and the nice folks at Packard rounded up a transmission for me. It looks a lot better now that the finial knob is attached to the pen!

I wish I could hate it... but sadly I cannot, awesome craftsmanship, this shows me your time and dedication to the hobby... I truly hope to turn like this one day!
I do hate it. I have a box full of pen kits that I have cannibalized over the years and I never seem to get around to ordering replacement parts.

The pen looks great, though. Can't go wrong with Amboyna.
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