December meeting

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Hmm, chocolate cornbread seems weird :)

I hope everyone is ready for this weekend's gift exchange (I wish I was)!

See you there,

Cool Martin! It'd be great to have you join our gatherings. This is a good group of people.

I've been following the thread. It looks like I may be moving to the Pleasanton area in June of 2013. Our family is coming up on Dec 19 to check out the area and get a feel for things. If all goes well, I look forward to joining everyone NEXT year! Cheers
Wish I could be there but I'm busy cranking out an order for a local biz. In fact I just shot myself in the foot. Ordered the wrong size M3 blank by mistake and I'm not sure I can get a replacement in time. I need to have this order finished by Monday. Dang it!

Finally! Just finished my ornament. It didn't come out quite right. The wood kept snapping into pieces. Three blanks later...DONE!

And yes, I will bring wood of different kinds if people want some.

I have a rather large...LARGE, manzanita trunk about 4' long, thick, and solid. It has issues though. It has ingrown barbed wire. I would hate to disturb the wood though. It is very cool. The guy selling it is looking to sell it as he has to move right away. Wait till you see it.
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I guess I've turned my ornament as well. I really need more practice - no amount of sandpaper is going to help get rid results of my poor turning skills.

Larry - yep, I'm interested but nothing too big or full of metal please.

Looking forward to Saturday.

It looks like Connie can't make this meeting, but I'll be there. I'll bring some partially made diagonal peppermill blanks. They'll help show how I've been cutting and gluing them together.

Just finished up with our craft fairs. It was a wild ride and we're both pretty exhausted. Am currently working on a few orders that need to ship out by Monday. So, am still pretty busy. I'll make some sort of an ornament for the Xmas draw. I'm sure it won't be as fancy as what some of you are doing. It sounds like we're going to have 2 types of chili, cornbread, sandwich makings, macaroni, and maybe some of Darcy's fudge. Looks like we might be in serious danger of starving! Just so we don't starve, I'll bring something else.. I just don't know what it'll be.

Martin, I hope you're going to be able to make it. I've admired your pens on IAP. Your imitation cigar pens are awsome. Am looking forward to meeting you sometime in the future and hope you end up moving to Pleasanton.

See you all at Greg's this Sat.. Larry Rayher
Wish I could be there but I'm busy cranking out an order for a local biz. In fact I just shot myself in the foot. Ordered the wrong size M3 blank by mistake and I'm not sure I can get a replacement in time. I need to have this order finished by Monday. Dang it!


Hey Dave! I had no idea you were up in that neck of the woods, but it makes sense now.
I won't be around for the party. Our family is coming up next wednesday for a full day and overnight stay. We are going to be getting a feel for things in the area. Nothing is written in stone yet - its just nice to know that IF things go in that direction that there is a community and a connection. I enjoy my connections and friendships down here.

We will likely be making some sort of decision in January.
Have a great party and thanks for letting me chime in a little in the thread.

Happy Holidays!
I finished my ornament tonight (well, I still have to configure a hanger of sorts).

OK, after this week's fun filled adventure I vote for another topic in the future to be turning things round on the lathe, and I don't mean round in the spinning direction. I'm NO GOOD with a spindle gouge/detail gouge. Mine should be renamed the wrecker gouge. :eek:

but it was fun, and I hope someone likes my little ornament as much as I do. She's in getting her laquer right now.

Cornbread and Chocolate - possibilities are endless!
Hi Everyone,

I'm afraid I won't be coming to the meeting tomorrow. Just have too much on my plate. We've been to a number of craft fairs in the last few weeks and during that time I pretty much only focused on turning things between shows. As a result, I got way behind on a lot of personal business.

I really wish I could be there tomorrow and will miss all of you. Connie and I wish you all the very best for the holidays. Jay, this sounds like it might be your last meeting. I really enjoyed meeting you and learning from you. Hope to see you again sometime in the future. Maybe you'll drop in on a future meeting. Take care.. Larry
Looking forward to the meeting, I will bring a heater also.

I must really like the taste of procrastination, because it seems to be the main course in my life lately. Oh well, I will get around to changing it.............Maybe tomorrow.........or the next day.
That was a lot of fun! thanks everyone for coming and thank you, Art, for playing host so i could relax and enjoy! But I'm bummed: i didn't get to see everyone's ornaments. Would everyone please take a picture of their ornaments and post them up?

Here's the one I got from Andy (gotta love having a CNC router!):

And the one Jay got from Darci:

Oh, and I still have a Tupperware with some coleslaw in it. Whose was it and how do you want to get it back?


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We had a great time. Thanks Art for the peppermill demo. I've had a kit since I bought my lathe, but never got the courage to try one yet. (and I bought a kit from Ed last year, so I really have NO EXCUSE now...)

I really love meeting up with all of you lovely people. So sorry to miss you Angela. Thanks again to you Greg for opening up your home to us.

Here is my ornament from Art (I LOVE IT!! Snowmen are "my thing"!!!)

Here is Andy's from Jay

Merry Christmas everyone. Can't wait to see you all in the new year.
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I had a great time seeing everyone. The conversation, food, hugs and learning about pepper mills was a great way to spend an afternoon.
Thanks once again to Greg for opening his home to all of us. I sort of feel like it is a great club house. I appreciate how we have all come together through IAP and continue over the years to meet, learn and develop our relationships. Missed Angela, Larry and Connie and others that couldn't make it. Hope to see you next time.
Happy holidays to all of you. May the light shine all of you during the end of the year.
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So sorry I had to miss the meeting. I was literally just past Turlock and on my way when I had to turn around. But family emergencies called. So Jay, what exactly is that ornament that you made? And are you REALLY out of turning?

I'm so going to miss you guys. I don't even know if there is a group here in the Vegas area, but I'm sure they'll never compare to the CA group!
We missed you and are sorry that things didn't work out so you could make it. Hope that everything turned out okay. I hope that you find some turning buddies in Las Vegas.
First off, thanks to Greg for letting us use his home as a meeting plasce and to Art for the inspiring talk on turning pepper mills. I have several and have not turned them yet. I will have to dust them off and get busy. Also, let me say how much fun it was to see everyone who could make it to the meet. And I am sorry that I missed the ones who for one reason or another couldn't make it. I hope we can all meet sometime soon in the near future.

as for the ornament swap, that was very cool. There are some amazing turners in our group (and CNC cutters) with cool ideas. It is always fun to see what ideas everyone comes up with.

Did we forget to come up with a challenge for the next meet or are we not doing one? I always look forward to those as they are a challenge. Hmmm.

Now for the ornament. Thank you Cindi for the fabulous ornament. I love it! It hangs in my bedroom on top of my dresser where I can see it every morning.

Cindis ornament.jpg

Thanks everyone for a great time, I enjoyed everything! Inspiration! Great food! Unbelievable turnings! All the great advice! All the great buys!

Thanks Greg for hosting this event and showing me your past turnings.

Of course being a newbie, I'm trying to absorb as much as I possibly can. As I have told Larry Dubia many times, I'm one step above turn 2x4's round.

Yesterday Larry Dubia provided me some training on the "correct" way to sharpen my turning tools. What a difference, before it was like turning rocks with a screwdriver.

This is my first posting, so excuse any oopsies.

Christmas Ornament

Thanks for the great ornament Larry D, it is displayed in our entry way for all to see.


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