Full Review Colt Drill Bits

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Randy Simmons

Jun 28, 2012
Cary, NC
This review is regarding the COLT drill bits provided by CSUSA.

These bits are designed specifically for drilling pen blanks. Acrylic, stabilized wood, antler... doesn't matter, they can handle it.

They certainly aren't cheap. They run about 10-30 dollars, depending on the size you buy.

First of all, they are everything they say they are. These bits are LONG, razor sharp, and have no problem cutting through anything. I have used them a lot, in numerous sizes, for just about every material. They can handle acrylic, wood, horn, even tru-stone, and don't skip a beat. They also don't blow out on the ends, and make a tight clean hole all the way through, in one single pass, without heating up the blank. They also don't walk off center. I love them, and while they are much more expensive, if you are looking for quality, precision cutting, without having to back out your drill bit, these guys are certainly the way to go.

My one beef: they have a limited selection. Being that these bits are specifically designed for pen making, I find it quite puzzling that they are missing a few key sizes, namely the 10.5 mm bit size used in the lower jr. series barrel and zen barrel, just to name a few, and the 12.5mm size used in the jr. upper barrel. I really don't like being able to use these "ferrari" drill bits on my sierras and slim lines, and then having to use the cheap-o ones on my high end statesmans. :mad:Believe me, any other drill bit will seem like a downgrade after using these.

They are certainly an excellent value. I wish I could say I would be buying more, but I have the whole collection and they show no signs of stopping :biggrin:

Thanks guys!
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I've started buying a few of these as I need new bits. I've never had a drill bit actually cut me just by picking it up before. But... the do go through acrylics like nothing else I've had.
I have had problems with the 7mm bits walking off way center on dymondwood. I wish they made a shorter 7mm bit.

Other than that, these bits are the best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter.
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