Colorful leather pen sleeves for around$4.25

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Jul 29, 2005
North Las Vegas, NV
I found some colorful leather pen sleeves on sale at levenger for $4.95. Here's a direct link:|PageID=4617|Level=2-3|Link=PT|special=search|ID=SearchClicked|i=1

If it doesn't work, you can go to and search for item AL6910. They also have double pen sleeves, item AL6930, on sale for $6.95. If you spend over $100, you can use a 15% off code, which does work on sale items. You do have to make your purchase with a mastercard according to their customer service people. Anyway, the drawback is that the pen sleeve says Levenger on it. But they have colors I haven't seen elsewhere in leather sleeves, like perwinkle, teal and navy and burgundy. I put a total of 23 of the singles in my cart and after adding shipping, it came to $113.85, or $4.95 total for each sleeve. I'm not at the point of doing anything like selling pens, in which case I wouldn't want the levenger name on a pen sleeve. But for ones I use for gifts, I would like to have a nice way to give them to people. Anyway, I was thinking about ordering some, but don't really need 23. Would anybody be interested in going in on some? I'm posting this in both the penturning and group buys section- not sure which it is, since it's for people's general info, in addition to seeing if maybe people would be interested in a small group purchase.
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It says 1'2" diameter limit....looks like it may be a tight fit for most of the pens I would consider using it for like the Statesman, Gent, Ligero....does anyone have experience with them?
I did forget to post the coupon code- it's 4556 if anyone wants to place an order. I did order some for myself. Once they come, I'll post here as to what seems to fit into them. I have a gemini pen that I made awhile back that's pretty big, so I'll see if it will fit.
I purchased several of these on sale about six months ago. They are very nicely made, however there are two issues to think about. The pen I carry in it has a lacquer finish that has been rubbed off due to continuous in & out of the leather sleeve. The other point is the size. I'm carry ing a "Perfect Fit" convertable in the sleeve. Nothing larger will comfortably go in. "Caveat Emptor!"
I had said I would post some pix after I got these leather sleeves, in case anyone was interested, especially someone who had gotten them had said they were not so big. I've (hopefully correctly) attached three pix- the first one to show the pens I was putting into the sleeves, from a cigar pen to a gemini to a slimline (that I had turned not so slim). Then I took a picture of all three in individual sleeves and finally one of the gemini and slimline in one of the double sleevs. MY personal opinion is that they work well for the gemini and the slimline. The cigar really is too big- for a moment when trying to take it out I was afraid it was stuck! But the gemini and the slimline came out easily. As I had pointed out when I first posted about these, they do have the disadvantage of having the Levenger name on them. But I'm not selling my pens and just want something nice to give people pens in, so I am quite comfortable with using them and I think people will like them.



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