Clicky Kitless Rollerball

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May 17, 2015
Louisville, KY
I had the urge to try something different than my usual so I figured I'd make a rollerball, as I don't have a decent one. I chose a black celluloid with a very subtle web pattern, and made the nose cone, clip, and finial from silver, which I engraved with a leafy motif. It uses a pilot g2 refill, and the mechanism is a Schmidt.
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WOW ! !

Beautiful silver craftsmanship ! ! ! . . . . or should I say silver-smithing ! ! ! . . . ?

Did you shorten the SKM-88 housing as well as removing the taper ?
The central button appears longer than normal but that could just be an illusion.
I have often wondered by how much the outer housing could be shortened for special purposes such as this might be.
In any case it looks great with the mods you made.
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WOW ! !

Beautiful silver craftsmanship ! ! ! . . . . or should I say silver-smithing ! ! ! . . . ?

Did you shorten the SKM-88 housing as well as removing the taper ?
The central button seems longer than normal but that could just be an illusion.
No, I just turned the outer diameter of the housing down a bit
That's gorgeous, John. Your engraving is super, as always, but the extra little touch of having the motif break out of the frame lifts it even higher.
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