Classic Nib Acquires Arizona Silhouette

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Mar 30, 2016
Aurora MO
We are pleased to announce that we are now the owners of Arizona Silhouette!!!
We were shocked and very honored when Barry Gross asked us if we were interested in giving Arizona Silhouette a new home in Missouri. We are excited to begin the relocation process, and to continue to grow both Arizona Silhouette and Classic Nib.
Each company will continue to operate separately (with some product crossover) for the short term.
Fully integrating the businesses will take some time. Here are 3 important points.
1) Classic Nib is shipping normally at this point, minus USPS delays.
2) We are in catch up mode with Arizona Silhouette. Between learning an entirely foreign operating system to systematically unpacking and shelving over 20K warehouse items, we will resume shipping as soon as humanly possible.
3) Classic Nib and Arizona Silhouette will be keeping both websites running for the time being to serve all our customers.
The owners of Classic Nib/Arizona Silhouette wish to express our greatest thanks to Jason Rose for all of his assistance. He trusted us to take him on our "shopping trip" with no idea exactly what it entailed. We could not mention we were buying Arizona Silhouette prior to the deal becoming official. This is common in the business world. Jason endured 4 grueling 18-20 hour days of helping us inventory, box and load up AZ SIL followed by a 3 day drive to SW Missouri (Officially 1,234 miles) in a 28' U-Haul, the another 2 days of extremely long days unpacking the truck and helping us begin the sorting process. He would have stayed longer, but his amazing wife Jess, who also had no clue of the extent of our trip, really wanted him home for Christmas. THANKS JESS for letting us borrow him during the holiday season.
Also our thanks to Mark Warnow and Eric Johnson for giving up an evening with their families to help with the unloading of the truck. They were on standby all day until we pulled in to Aurora, and arrived minutes after we did.
Finally a repeat of thanking Barry Gross for the opportunity to fill his shoes. They are certainly big ones!!
Niels and Debbie Mathiasen
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IAP Library Manager
Staff member
Dec 14, 2006
East Troy, Wisconsin, USA.
Niels and Debbie, Fantastic! He's a big player. So glad it's kept in our membership, we will keep you busy!

This has to be exciting. There is so much to offer now. Hope Barry had everything organized for you. Hope you got the room.

Will the web host be the Arizona sites?

Wayne Racinowski
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Aug 28, 2019
Congratulations... now, let me be the first to request... If you get any spalted curly mango 1' pen blanks... Please let me know... I've been on a waiting list... I don't think it may exist anymore... but if it does!!!! If you don't know what it looks like... the avatar picture is that wood from AZ Sill.
Mar 30, 2016
Aurora MO
Niels and Debbie, Fantastic! He's a big player. So glad it's kept in our membership, we will keep you busy!

This has to be exciting. There is so much to offer now. Hope Barry had everything organized for you. Hope you got the room.

Will the web host be the Arizona sites?

Wayne Racinowski
For the time being Arizona Silhouette and Classic Nib will be operating under their respective separate websites.
It will takes us some time to fully integrate the 2 websites into one, but that is the goal.
Barry was very organized, and has gone above in beyond with "after sale" assistance.
Barry is still the owner/operator of BG Artforms and will still be doing his shows with IAP and AAW.
Basically Classic Nib has now taken over Arizona Silhouette as far as online operations.
Barry opted to scale back and we feel honored he chose us to fill his very big shoes.
Niels and Debbie Mathiasen
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