Checking in, & sharing something kind of cool (to me anyway!)

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
I've been scarce around here for several weeks now. I had my second knee replaced and the recovery, while not terrible, hs not been as smooth as the first one. I think on the first one I just got lucky. :) It'll be several more weeks before I can resume my normal activities. I've been watching a bunch of You-Tube videos about pen turning and blank making! :D

Some of the Ohio members have met some of my Grandkids over the years. I received a nice surprise in the mail today, a bag of coffee. What makes this bag special is that the photo is of my 14-year-old Grandson, Jacob. It was taken by my 15-year-old Grandson, Isaac. Isaac happened upon something on the Internet about this coffee company holding a contest for people to send in their photos to win several months worth of coffee and have their photo put on their product. He sent this photo without telling anyone. He won! Parents and Grandparents are proud of and happy for him.

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Very COOL indeed !!!

Thanks for showing, Mike !!!

I hope your surgery recovery starts going a bit faster !!! :) 💐💐💐💐
Nice to see you back Mike.

I assume that coffee supply is not going to be an issue during recovery then?

Good moves and photography in one shot ! Where is the physio video then ?? Or are the shots of you in spandex just too much for the eye to cope with ?😉
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