Challenge Piece

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
I checked in on Facebook Woodturning group that I belong to a few days ago and saw an announcement for an August monthly challenge, something about a train wreck and design opportunities. A design opportunity is when you have messed something up and than salvaged it some way. I thought hey this is motivation to do something with that blown up segmented porthole bowl that you keep tripping over in the shop. I can up with a plan for salvaging the piece and turned a bowl. I started looking for the announcement to double check to see if I had satisfied the criteria for the challenge. After searching for a while and finally finding the announcement -IT WAS FOR 2020! Oh well, I no longer have to look at the evidence of my mistake. Paduak and maple, 6.25" in diameter.

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Nice save, and one less thing to trip over. :D

Since there was just a recent thread about sanding, I have to ask, how did you finish this without getting padauk in your maple? You could almost use Padauk dust as dye.
Nice save, and one less thing to trip over. :D

Since there was just a recent thread about sanding, I have to ask, how did you finish this without getting padauk in your maple? You could almost use Padauk dust as dye.
I coated it with sanding sealer before sanding. I had some limited staining inside the bowl.
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