Richard, all kind of stuff you can make with that wood!!I make planters indoor & outdoor with regular cedar dog-ear fence planks from HD or Lowes, plane 'em, biscuit-joint 'em, 4 of them(about 22" sq). I made a template(a little smaller than the panels) from that solid material that peg boards are made of. Cut out about a 12"sq from the center, then routed out each panel center. Then you can put decorative tiles on each panel, or whatever you want!! I used some larger lighthouse tiles for the center surrounded by smaller dark blue tiles.(our downstairs is kind of a beach theme!!) Told my wife I was gonna sell it at a craft show, she said, "like hell you are" oh well, it does look nice in our house! Anyways, I've skipped a bunch of steps, you know, the sanding, I shellaced mine, (used the garnet flakes w/DNA formula) looks great on cedar. Assembled with 2"x2" blocks at each inside corner. Dado'ed a slot at bottom of each panel for a bottom. You can do it different, just use the 2x2's to support the bottom works as well.
Put some top edge trim & corner trim, some swivel wheels on the bottom. It's ready to go!! Over Christmas holidays I was at my dad's and a friend of theirs told me I could probably get $300 + for that on Ebay or an upscale craftshow!! Will try & find a pic.