Canada Made in the USA

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May 20, 2011
Page Arizona
USA made in China

I was given a Maple Leaf CANADA pen for Christmas that proudly states Made in the USA. In fact all of the stuff we have been given that proudly displays the word Canada or the Maple leaf is made in the USA. This includes mugs t-shirts and winter wear. This got me wondering so I looked at some USA paraphernalia at a couple stores around here and most, including flags said MADE IN CHINA. The large minority of USA merchandise was made in the USA.

Some what ironic I think.

Just an observation of the globalization of mass produced merchandise and why I am preferring hand made more and more when I can get it in my budget.
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Aug 19, 2011
Houston, Tx
I prefer to buy US made products if they are of Quality, Made in USA does not gurantee Quality. However if that is not possible I prefer to buy from an American Ally as opposed to China when I can.

What sicken me about China is the US has made it ok to buy from Sweat shops as long as they are not located in the US. I bet 90% of Chinas factories would be shut down for thier working conditions but that is OK with us becasue its not in the US.

As George Carlin would say NIMBY (Not in my Backyard) Per US Culture as loong as it's NIMBY it's Fine.


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
When I was young, we drove from Chicago to Florida, annually. Going through Gary, Indiana the sky was yellow, the air stank. But the steel mills were pumping out product.

As we got farther south, the fields were worked, by hand. Men carried loads of crops on their shoulders to move to the trucks on the perimeter. They were paid less than a dollar an hour (in 1950 currency). But, that's how they fed their families. BTW, those families lived in shacks, outdoor "potties", no running water. These are the conditions that were common as our country became a leader in world production.

Now, we are more "sensitive" to the plight of workers and we demand they be protected. That is progress.

I have also visited China (won a contest--trip was free to me).

Men carrying straw to market. Some using donkeys, a few on bicycles--the "shack" for living is not far off the "street" (many not paved). It is much like those trips in the mid 1950's.

You have to walk before you run. We want 2000 square feet and 3 bathrooms and two dishwashers. The Chinese "laborer" would be THRILLED with indoor plumbing.

If I say any more, it could be political, so let's just say, this is posted as "food for thought"!

If a Chinese laborer can FEED his family on whatever wage he is making, who are we to tell him to do otherwise??


May 20, 2011
Page Arizona
My observation had nothing to do with the politics. It was the irony of those things which spout a person's allegiance or patriotism to a country are in a large part not made in the country we are claiming allegiance too.

The first job I had was summers weeding bean fields in Illinois. It SUCKED!!!


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
My observation had nothing to do with the politics. It was the irony of those things which spout a person's allegiance or patriotism to a country are in a large part not made in the country we are claiming allegiance too.

The first job I had was summers weeding bean fields in Illinois. It SUCKED!!!

Some time ago, I saw an article on TV about Mexico City. Same theme as you are showing: "Used to be you could buy Mexican souvenirs "made in Mexico", now Mexico City sells mostly things "made in China".


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Also saw a TV "short" about other countries burning American Flags.

They joked about the country selling more American Flags (made in China) to be burned than they sold of their OWN flag!! :eek::eek:

"Ain't it nice to be loved???":biggrin::biggrin:
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