Can you guess................

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See more from winpooh498


Apr 23, 2007
Junction City, Oregon, USA.
What it is???



This was an experiment. Now to see if anyone can figure out what we used. I'm not sure what I think yet, what do you think????
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It is wool, from a prize winning sheep. I DO NOT like it! After it was turned, and I took the picture, it got kind of fuzzy. The tips of the fiber started sticking out. We will not be selling and or making anymore of these.

I will see if I can get better pics. I took them fast, because we are getting ready for a big show this weekend.
Originally posted by winpooh498

It is wool, from a prize winning sheep. I DO NOT like it! After it was turned, and I took the picture, it got kind of fuzzy. The tips of the fiber started sticking out. We will not be selling and or making anymore of these.

I will see if I can get better pics. I took them fast, because we are getting ready for a big show this weekend.

" 'scuse me, sir. I'm looking for a big fat hairy fountain pen. Do you sell anything like that?"

"Well.... today is your lucky day! I just happen to have.........."
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