CA yellowing?? News to me, please comment!

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Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
In another thread, this comment was made:
The shattered glass effect is addressed, but what about yellowing such as is common with EZ Bond? (emphasis is mine)

This is the first I have seen any reference to yellowing, which would probably be a result of UV light sensitivity.

What has been your (collective) experience with yellowing, please??

Thank you for any comments on this question!!
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The 'CA Curiosity" was from 2011.

"On the shelf", I have a couple hundred botttles at any given moment, but they are gone in less than 60 days. I have never noticed a color change, but they are kept in a room with no outside light (basement) and are usually "cool".

Obviously, if it yellows on a pen, it would have to be a very light colored pen to be visible----but I would have thought I would be getting emails, if this were the case.

Just interested---if there is a "known symptom", I want to add it to our description of the product.

I commonly use oil and CA together. Stand oil (partially polymerized linseed oil) and boiled linseed oil do add a light amber hue to that finish.

I am using walnut bowl finish oil currently and it has less amber hue.

Amber vs yellow is a matter of discernment.
I wonder if someone is attributing the darkening caused by the wetting effect to the yellowing of the CA . I have never seen yellowing caused by CA . It would have to be fairly severe to be discernible over most woods . Holly would be the exception .
I wonder if someone is attributing the darkening caused by the wetting effect to the yellowing of the CA . I have never seen yellowing caused by CA . It would have to be fairly severe to be discernible over most woods . Holly would be the exception .

I have made several hundred holly pens with a CA finish and have never noticed any yellowing or other discoloration.
I wonder if someone is attributing the darkening caused by the wetting effect to the yellowing of the CA . I have never seen yellowing caused by CA . It would have to be fairly severe to be discernible over most woods . Holly would be the exception .

I have made several hundred holly pens with a CA finish and have never noticed any yellowing or other discoloration.

Didn`t word that statement well . If CA yellowing is going to show up anywhere , it would be on holly . The only yellowing I`ve seen on holly was when I applied BLO before the CA , which I no longer do .
Over the years I have tried just about every finish that has appeared on the market and all of the different brands of most types of pen finishes. I have seen some yellowing/ambering on Holly and antler but nothing that has been seen as a problem to the recipients of the pens. I doubt there is a finish that, given time and exposure to light, won't change in color. If you don't apply a finish at all and don't handle the pen it will still change color, that's what wood does; light woods get darker and dark woods get lighter. The only answer I can come up with is, turn acrylics or Inlace, they seem to be stable in color. The BLO/CA combo yellowing is exacerbated due to the oil, or so I have found. It may not show up the first week or even the first month but it will show up.
I've found that it appears to yellow from sunlight which is most likely uv waves.

An easy experiment could be to just apply some ca on something and leave it outside. Of course, we would never recommend doing this with pens but that's not really the point i believe.
I have a 5 year old pen with an EZ Bond CA finish. It was made with Amboyna Burl and I abuse it a lot. I do not leave it in direct sunlight though. There is no yellowing on it at all from what I can tell.
I use a lot of CA for gluing, sealing, and finishing. My shop is in the basement, where it stays cool in the summer and a little on the cold side in the winter. I have three windows that directly shine in on the work bench and florescent lights hanging above it. I've never had an issue with yellowing in glue and I've been know to keep a bottle longer than I can use it up, (being my fault after I misplace it and open a new one) where the glue thickens and I have to throw it away. I've noticed yellowing in the accelerator solution that I left on the shelf for a LONG period of time, but it still worked just fine.
I thought about the accelerator before regarding this. That stuff does have a yellowish tinge and i wondered if it effects ca yellowing. Honestly don't have a clue since i always use accelerator.
I've experienced yellowing on a couple of pens, but those were more properly CA buildups rather than CA finishes. With age, the white threads on my "diamond braid" pen have taken on an amber tint. I suspect it's from UV exposure.
The accelerator yellows, but not the finish, at least not in my experience. I never use accelerator in finishing. I buy the accelerator by the gallon and it lasts most of a year. By the time it gets down to the last quart it looks a lot like a urine sample.
I wonder if someone is attributing the darkening caused by the wetting effect to the yellowing of the CA . I have never seen yellowing caused by CA . It would have to be fairly severe to be discernible over most woods . Holly would be the exception .
I have done some ornamental finials with holly and used a CA finish and yes it does tend to darken the holly slightly to the yellow side. But to me it gives the holly more of a old ivory or bone look. Though it maybe toward the yellow spectrum I certainly wouldn't call it yellow. Here is an example, checkout the "Mountain Holly and Spalted Maple" ornament.
I hav e been using EZ for about 5 years ad have never had an issue with yellowing on over 2500 pens. I wonder if the real cause was yellowing of the wood
It should be worth noting that they yellowing (I think) we are all talking about is akin to an amber'ing effect as with old guitars. I'm not saying this CA turns into a lemon color coating, but merely the hue slightly changes. It doesn't make wood ugly, it's just different. Some applications, however, you would want no yellowing and sometimes you'd never even notice.
I use EZ medium and thin - no yellowing over the course of two years. I did just had one crack is several places after sitting on my desk for a week - no hazing, just several cracks (and I know the pen wasn't dropped, it was waiting to be shipped). I will do-over later and I will use EZ Bond again. I doubt it has anything to do with the glue. It was applied to Amboyna burl - no water/wet sanding used. Just think it was a 1-off.
I stand corrected..underlying wood was cracked

I use EZ medium and thin - no yellowing over the course of two years. I did just had one crack is several places after sitting on my desk for a week - no hazing, just several cracks (and I know the pen wasn't dropped, it was waiting to be shipped). I will do-over later and I will use EZ Bond again. I doubt it has anything to do with the glue. It was applied to Amboyna burl - no water/wet sanding used. Just think it was a 1-off.

I just removed the CA with 150 grit SP, only to reveal that the underlying burl was cracked. Maybe the CA "followed" the cracks...don't know. I do use several coats of CA while turning burl. I just want to correct my statement.
I've been using various CA brands over the years and have never encountered yellowing of the CA. Granted, I try not to let my pens sit in direct sunlight, but I've not had any issues with either thinner satin finishes or high-build high gloss finishes.

I was a bit surprised at the question and was not familiar with E-Z Bond or any other CA yellowing. We are all aware how the sun can alter the color of various wood as well as other items, so it seem reasonable that CA could be affected, too.
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