CA storage and shelf life

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Sep 30, 2019
North Carolina, USA
I have some Satellite City CA that really isn't that old, but the cap is clogged beyond help. I have a spare cap, but the current one is so stuck that I can't even loosen it with pliers to replace it. I'll just cut this and put it in a different bottle if I can find one. Not a huge monetary loss on it at least. My original Stick Fast held up a lot longer. I found a few older threads discussing CA storage and the fridge or freezer seems like the most common way to keep it fresh. I'm guessing that's mainly because the air is dryer, with temperature being a secondary factor, but I could be wrong. I understand that condensation is a concern when removing it with the temperature changes. My shop can get a little humid, but nothing terrible. One of Satellite City's recommendations is to store it in an airtight container with some desiccant and with the lid off.

I've already decided to get some Glu-Boost with my next order. Because of the much higher price, I really don't want it to suffer the same fate. Anyone care to share their experience with storage of various brands you have tried? As long as I'm at it, what about preserving Gorilla glue?
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I store 8 oz bottles in freezer or fridge , pour 1/8 oz into a 2 oz bottle , and return the large one to the cold immediately . No cap used on the 2 oz . That way if I have a wreck , not too much is lost . Pliers get frequent use on the 2 oz bottle . Only use EZ Bond and a bit of Star Bond .

Wish I knew on Gorilla glue .
Also - IF you can manage to get the top off without too much damage, you can put it in an acetone bath for a day. That will dissolve the crusty CA.
I've left my satellite city ca out without a cap for days at a time. Usually because I forget lol. It does fine.

In the future here's a trick. Rub a little Vaseline on the nozzle and it'll keep the cap from sticking.
There was a post a while back that discussed CA glue and the issues of storing it. I did some research and found out that if you do not keep the cap on, it will stay fresh longer.
Keep the cap off and pray you do not knock it over:) Not a big fan of leaving cap off. I just knock the bottle on the side of the bench a few times when done to break any air bubble if they formed and lets the ca fall back into the bottle. If I see the neck is getting crusty take off and dip in acetone. Lets face it people CA is a tool and you need to treat your tools better and things like that will not happen. Just my 2 cents.
When the bottles empty store it in acetone for a day or two. Remove and scrub off the jelly like glue residue and store at least the cap and nozzle . When your nozzle gets bunged up , swap it for the clean one and add the bunged one to a container with acetone in . repeat as needed.
Gluboost, several varieties, capped loosely inside a lidded plastic container for ground coffee along with several of the absorbent packets that so many vendors send along at no extra charge. Have done so for months without any refrigeration, or loss.
Thanks for all the replies! I'll try some of this on the next batch. The medium CA is holding up quite well. It's just the thin that really gives me problems. I have saved a few of those desiccant packets. Cleaning with the acetone sounds like a great idea I had never thought of to prevent it from getting as bad. Good point on the "tool" logic, John.
This reads conflicting to me. Some put it in the fridge which is a moist environment. Others store uncapped in silica.

I keep my open containers in a plastic tub with 2" of silica sand in the bottom. I bought a 'big' order from Glueboost, and the unopened containers are sitting on a shelf in a box. What can I do to give the product maximum shelf life? Thanks!
I've successfully kept my CA glue for years (at least 5 anyway) by storing the unopened bottles in an air tight container (plastic ammo box with a sealing gasket) along with a couple of silica gel desiccant packs. The container is kept in a cabinet in my relatively temperature controlled workshop (65-75 Degrees F). - Dave
Andrew, the battle to keep CA glue is a tough one. But CA glue unopened is best stored in freezer. But when you go to use it you need to let it stand to acclimate to room temp again in a dry area which could take days. Never put CA back in fridge if opened. Moisture is what will kick CA off the most so humidity is number 1, temp can also have an ill effect. Air is just a product of both factors. Dirt and debris is another thing to be careful of. Best to buy small bottles of CA unless you are going to be using alot in a short period of time. Thin last the longest even when opened. If it sloshes around in bottle it is fine.

The best way to store opened bottles I have found, is to keep a tight cap on them and place in an air tight jar with a lid and place a package of silica desiccant in with it. Seems to keep longer than just leaving on the shelf. I always mark date on bottles to remind me when I bought and when I opened. Good luck.
My CA lasts forever. I store the bulk sealed well in the frig. I buy from EZ Bond in bulk and buy their spare caps and bottles. Anything I don't like about the bottle or tip and I pour into a new one or replace the cap.

$150 minimum so get together and buy.
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