Burls: Here's lookin' at you

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Nov 23, 2006
McIntosh, Florida, USA.
Here are two pens I've turned in the last week.
On the left is a redwood burl Sierra w/ CA finish.
On the right is a burl of unknown species; it's either a rosewood or DIW burl.
I got the unidentifed blanks long ago and honestly don't remember the species.

There's been much discussion of figured wood versus Burls.
My photog skills are weak at best but even these two pics show what Burls look like.
Burls always have something in common with Bogey and Bacall in Casablanca. They say, "Here's lookin' at you..."

Note the heavy eyes in the Redwood Burl Sierra on the left.
And, in the unknown species on the right, the eyes are very small and nearly hidden within the swirling, twisting, circular growth rings.
Holding the pen closely, they're easier to see -- y'all will have to trust me.

Burls have eyes and twisted, interlocking grain.
Curl does not mean burl; curly wood is cool and beautiful but curl does not equal burl.
They're different.
Please let's protect and preserve the differences in our source materials.


Gary great work as always on both pens, I think the wood is Afzelia Burl as it is very similar to one I made recently, the circles in the burl are a give away! Afzelia Burl pic below! :)

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