BULL .......

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Nov 16, 2011
Sterling, VA USA
BULL AUCTION! Saturday, Wifey and I went to a bull, female and heifer auction!
Lots of fun watching the auction....not buying. Most bulls went in the 3-6K range with some at 10-12K!
They provided lunch featuring their own beef burgers. They were the best!
The farm manager is a member of our woodturning club and offers their banquet hall each year for our club annual Anniversary Party in January. The owners and manager are wonderful folks and always invite us (Club members) to their auctions so we finally made it.


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BULL AUCTION! Saturday, Wifey and I went to a bull, female and heifer auction!
Lots of fun watching the auction....not buying. Most bulls went in the 3-6K range with some at 10-12K!
They provided lunch featuring their own beef burgers. They were the best!
The farm manager is a member of our woodturning club and offers their banquet hall each year for our club annual Anniversary Party in January. The owners and manager are wonderful folks and always invite us (Club members) to their auctions so we finally made it.

OK ... so they were selling male cows (bulls), female cows (heifers), and girls (females) ..... damn, I wish I had been there, I need a woman's touch to help clean my house up, I'ld love to buy a maid! :)biggrin::eek::biggrin:)

Young cows of either sex are called a calf (calves for plural) ... :)
Burgers on the hoof! I was raised on a dairy farm at Shadeville, OH. Always liked to go to the auctions until school ruined that.
Our farm is gone and my uncle's farm is all horse barns for Scioto Downs.
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