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Sep 20, 2004
Plymouth, Wisconsin.
I'm wondering if anyone out there could take a picture of a finished tube and then another picture of that same tube after it's been buffed. I use Behlens but I really just want to see the difference so any finsh will really do. I made up my own little three wheel system for my jet but am having a hard time telling the difference...obviously I'm doing something wrong. If I could see a good example of what can be done maybe through trial an error I could get to that point. Thanks.
Where I see the biggest difference in with the acrylics or the stabilized blanks. Acrylics come out like glass and some of the stabilized blanks don't need a finish except for wax they come out so good. Recently I made a pen with Steelwood and sanded as usual up to 12,000 MM and was suprised at the lack of shine. I ran it through the buffer and the difference was just amazing. What are you using for a buffing compound? Also I've read that you shouldn't use to much, just a lite charge to the wheel is all thats needed. The only other thing that I can really think of is that there may be a difference in buffing wheels so maybe you don't have the right kind or something. I just bought the Beall system and I'm still experimenting.


I do the same thing that you do, Behlen's followed by the buffing wheel. The biggest difference that I've noticed is that a couple good rounds through the Beall system takes off all of the marks that I would get from running the lathe at high speed while applying the Behlen's. They were always faint, but I could definitely see them if I held the pen in the proper light.

I'm going away this weekend, but I'll try to post some pics on Monday showing a before and after. I'm also very new with the buffing wheels, so I imagine that my results will improve over time.
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