Bowl with a Story

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
My parents struggled to make ends meet throughout my early childhood. They were finally able to buy their first home in 1970. One of Dad's first home improvements was to plant a tree. He got a cutting from someplace and put it in water, after a week or two it developed roots and Dad planted it beside the carport of his new house. I was amazed at the time. He said it was a corkscrew elm (I have not been able to find such a tree and think it might be a corkscrew willow). The tree grew fast and had these skinny crinkly leaves that made a huge mess. One of my jobs during my later teens was to clean those leaves out of the gutters. Mom and Dad lived in that house until three years ago until it became unmanageable for them and sold the house.

The new owners cut down Dad's tree. One of the old neighbors saved me a log from the tree so I turned this bowl. 14" in diameter finished with Howard's Feed and Wax

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I really like the spalting and figure of the wood. Very pretty color as well. The story is very touching. It also goes to show you that everyone has their own ideas. Your dad worked hard to get the tree started and watched it grow then someone else comes along and it's easily discarded. At least you were able to not only get a piece of it but a very nice piece at that. Well Done.
That does look amazing with the spalting and varied color of the wood! The sentimental value must be even more beautiful to you, though. Hopefully you have a little left for a few other items. Did you have to stabilize it at all?
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