Bolt Action/30.06 Hybrid kit

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Oct 15, 2007
Bear, Delaware, USA.
I have a question that was posed to me by one of my customers.

Has anyone kit bashed(model building term) a standard 30.06 cartridge and the slide end of the bolt action kit?

I know those who have done the cartridge setups, love them, but he is looking for that hybrid set up.

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or a vendor?
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So you want a real brass case (with or without a real bullet) and the bolt section of a kit?
You could just cut the case to length and put it in place of the bullet end of the kit.:wink:
How difficult it would be sort of depends on a number of things. The bolt action is designed for parker refills which might not work on a 30-06 case all I've seen made with real brass used cross refills. You'd also have to solve a couple of other problems since most 30-06 pen makers are using slimline transmissions, which might not work with the bolt action. It doesn't seem to me to be as easiy as you'd think at first glance.
It isn't all that hard to make a 30-06 with a Parker refill rather than a slimline, plenty of people do it, including myself, Sylvanite also comes to mind.

Here is an example of a 30-06 casing (bottom) with a 308 top


and another one with a top using Cigar fittings


Using a Parker refill immediately sets a certain minimum length to the overall pen and this is where there could be a problem.

In the case of the Cigar transmission used in the above 2 pens the minimum overall length is approx 140mm, the Bolt Action top is about 40mm, so there is a "gap" of about 20mm which would have to be filled in with some sort of centre piece, which could look rather odd.

There may be other kits/transmissions using the Parker refill that could be used such as the Sierra but I have only used the Cigar kits so far.
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It isn't all that hard to make a 30-06 with a Parker refill rather than a slimline, plenty of people do it, including myself, Sylvanite also comes to mind.

Here is an example of a 30-06 casing (bottom) with a 308 top


and another one with a top using Cigar fittings


Using a Parker refill immediately sets a certain minimum length to the overall pen and this is where there could be a problem.

In the case of the Cigar transmission used in the above 2 pens the minimum overall length is approx 140mm, the Bolt Action top is about 40mm, so there is a "gap" of about 20mm which would have to be filled in with some sort of centre piece, which could look rather odd.

There may be other kits/transmissions using the Parker refill that could be used such as the Sierra but I have only used the Cigar kits so far.
Eric gets some of his kits from me and they are slimline based with Cross refills.
Rick -- the bolt action is based on the 8 mm tube -- that is it drills 3/8 -- much smaller than the 10 mm cigar tubes.

That means that you can easily drill and install the tube into the shell casing.

Drill the bullet for a parker refill and start calculating length to equal the lower section of the Bolt Action pen plus the tube -- that will let you know how much tube needs to extend above the back of the shell casing --

30-06 may be a little long -- but if so, a 308 should be easy.

(I would be more specific but I have no more bolt actions other than minis in stock)
I played around a little with it back in the summer. You do need a filler piece to get the correct overall length. I haven't come up with a good way to couple it together yet, so it can be disassembled to access the refill.

After seeing this thread, I think I'll revisit the project and see what I might come up with.
Rick -- the bolt action is based on the 8 mm tube -- that is it drills 3/8 -- much smaller than the 10 mm cigar tubes.

That means that you can easily drill and install the tube into the shell casing.

Drill the bullet for a parker refill and start calculating length to equal the lower section of the Bolt Action pen plus the tube -- that will let you know how much tube needs to extend above the back of the shell casing --

30-06 may be a little long -- but if so, a 308 should be easy.

(I would be more specific but I have no more bolt actions other than minis in stock)

As luck would have it, the 8mm tube fits direct on the Cigar Transmission, ie it is the same size as the Cigar finial tube that fits inside the 10mm Cigar top tube.
In fact for most of my Parker refill bullet pens I use the 8mm tube even for the bottom and machine down the Cigar coupler to fit. This leaves more "meat" at the 308/30-06 and 303 primer end. For the 300 WinMag the 10mm tube works OK.
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