Bob Jackson Update

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Oct 10, 2012
Akron, OH
The side effects from the docetaxel have been getting progressively worse (fatigue) and he hasn't really been able to get out of his chair since Saturday. We called the oncologist this morning and they said to bring him to the ER. We knew we couldn't get him out of the house on our own, so we called the squad and since he as stable they were able to bring him to Avon instead of EMH. We're hoping he will get admitted, and then he can be discharged to rehab so insurance will pay for it.

Please keep Bob and his family in your prayers
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Potassium levels haven't come down despite fluids and medication overnight, so he will begin dialysis. He'll get a catheter placed tomorrow and depending on what time it is when that is completed and what the potassium levels are, he'll either start dialysis tomorrow or the next day. He's currently on high flow oxygen and that's keeping his O2 sat in the upper 90s.
Please tell him to try and be positive. It won't cure anything, but trust really does help.😉

Oh.....and please tell him to keep an eye on the catheter tube......😮. .....on my first morning after surgery, one of the nurses was about to show me how to change my stoma bag....
I had an oxygen tube up my nose.....two canulas in my in my neck epidural in my spine and of course the dreaded catheter......
Poor nurse was way out of her depth.......she tripped over my catheter tube and pulled me off that bed quicker than any post op patient in history!!!!! 😅
They had already taken well over a foot of my bowel......and now she nearly ripped off a few more inches!!!!😯
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12/11 UPDATE

Robert Jackson is still pretty out of it, but he must be feeling better. The nurse just woke him up to give him some meds. He said "I have your Coreg" and my dad said "well, good for you".

Also, yesterday they kept asking him questions like what year is it, do you know where you are, etc. Both the nurse and one doctor asked who the president was, and he said "the *******," which they accepted as an answer. They both said that a majority of patients answer the question that way
Thoughts and prayers.
skiprat, that must have been an adventure in itself. FWIW, my aunt was in the hospital- they woke her up at 2 AM to giver her a sleeping pill!
12/19 update

Discharged this afternoon after 11 days. At rehab for a while so can gain some strength back and go home. He'll have dialysis twice a week for a while; we don't know if it will be forever yet. They have dialysis on site, so we won't have to worry about getting him in and out of the house for a while. We will need to get a ramp at home.
12/19 update

Discharged this afternoon after 11 days. At rehab for a while so can gain some strength back and go home. He'll have dialysis twice a week for a while; we don't know if it will be forever yet. They have dialysis on site, so we won't have to worry about getting him in and out of the house for a while. We will need to get a ramp at home.
Thank you for the update.
7/9/2020 update
Vascular Surgery consult today and pre-admission testing. Will have surgery at Fairview on the 24th to create a fistula for dialysis. He is scheduled to be discharged from O'Neill tomorrow after dialysis. Dialysis is likely to continue at 3 days a week, but it is possible the frequency may decrease. A ramp is currently being built at their house so we will have an easier time getting in and out for appointments. Special thanks to the IAP guys who generously donated towards the cost of construction of the ramp. They had volunteered to build one, but we needed it right away so he can come home, and there wasn't enough time. Besides, it would have taken forever to turn all the spindles on their small lathes 😂


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