Bill Jacobs (ILikeWood)

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Jan 24, 2005
North Wales, PA
Anybody heard from or seen him lately? His last post was about 2 months ago. He wasn't a very prolific poster, but he was still here pretty regularly. I hope everything's OK.
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Thanks Jeff! Hopefully everything is OK, and he's just staying low-key. I've missed being tempted by his Cocobolo and other offerings! [:D]
Seems to me there may still be a piece of Russian Olive Burl out in some now frozen cow muck.[:p]

I just glued up some more of his Coco. And will be glueing up some more French Holly I got from him. Mmmmm Mmmmm Good Stuff.

Thanks again Bill! You Da Man.

Sorry guys....just been so swamped that I haven't really had much time to check on things here. I have tried to keep up a little bit here, but I have missed alot.

I plan on some more Cocobolo in the next month or so. Right now, all my spare money is going towards the Christmas time...also, three of my kids have their birthdays within two weeks of Christmas (spare cash is hard to come by with 6 kids anyway)[:D]

Glad you all remembered me, and I promise to try and keep up a bit more.
Wait a minute do you know I am not Jewish?

[:eek:)][:eek:)]Just kidding ya Jim...Merry Christmas to you too.

PS- I'm a Heinz least that many nationalities in my blood. I'm also one of those born-again dudes that is not ashamed to profess who he owes his life to.[:)]
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