Big lesson on being a father

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Sep 5, 2012
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Dear God, I miss my father!

Five years have past since he passed away and he is still teaching me. Last night My daughters dog died, nine year old golden retriever, real pain in the neck, last Christmas he ate my order book lost about $500 in orders. He was a gift from my mom to my daughter, before she passed away, so you put up with him.

I don't really know if I failed as an owner or it was just meant to be, but as a child, my father always had pets for each of us, we are 4, it gives you responsibility and some studies say that having had a pet as a child makes you a better parent when it comes to getting up at night. My father would always make sure we took care of our pet and also attended the dogs and cats when we failed to care for them properly.

Now as a kid being a pet owner is a lot of responsibility, well not really because in the background there was an old WWII army sergeant making sure you took care of the animal and when things got difficult he would step in and handle the ugly parts like sickness and death, things that you need your children to understand but not to closely. So when are pets were sick we would help with the care but when they passed away, you feel sad you go to your room cray and feel bad, bud a Father a really good Father takes the animal wraps it, digs a 4 or 5 foot hole by himself and berries the animal and puts on a strong but gentle face and protects his children from the pain of loss until they are ready to handle it.

As a grown man I helped my father bury his last dog, he was about 85 or more and stronger than I ever will be, it was late he grabbed a shovel and very quick and efficiently made a hole, wraped his dog, 120 pound Chow Chow Bear, ask for his forgiveness and put him gently in the ground. That was as close as I had ever been to this task, I thought I was prepared.

So last night it was my turn, I held back my tears as best I could, I let my daughter say good by and she ran to her room, that was my cue. I grabbed my pick and a shovel and did just like my father I cried all the way, in part for the dog, but at this moment a realized all the pain, times 4 my father went through, every time and never did he stop us from bringing in a new pet. Even after I got married he managed this for me and my brothers and sisters, for some reason he was always there when the time came.

Now it's my turn, I may have done ok by my family but I really miss him. Many of you are Vets and understand my upbringing, others like me are sons and daughters of a veteran and can relate. But to have a good father and mother is an honor and one can only aspire to be like them.

Soon it will be fathers day, if your father is alive be there for him, share and cherish the time you have, bring your family and celebrate. If you are a father, look for for your children make them understand the importance of the time you have, my father and mother would tell me "we are your parents until the day we die and them some". I will never stop being a son nor will I ever relinquish being a father, that is my pledge!

Happy fathers day (in advanced)
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Feb 22, 2005
Amen!!!! It was just Mothers Day and this past Jan. I lost my Mom and it was one tough day. The first Mother's Day with out her being with us killed me. Cherish those you love every day.


Jun 16, 2012
He never leaves my side

I have zero words
I know how I feel about my dogs, and they are starting to get old like me.



Sep 5, 2012
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
As young adults we think we know everything, our parents don't understand modern life, there antiquated, overzealous and they don't know about fun, etc.

Boy were we wrong, being responsible for someone else changes all perspective in life, if you are a responsible human being. I never understood why my father would always say no to things (specially the dangerous ones), until I became a parent, I have been scared now for 13 years, and as my father told me once, I will be scared for the rest of my life. We say no, not because we want to make our children feel bad(well sometimes:)) but we want to keep them out of harms way.

Although we can not put an animal above a human being, we love and respect them also. During this sad moment I miss my father, but what I miss the most is not having him to help with my loss.

This forum is composed of good people, Artists that understand wood, life and creativity. I'm a proud member of this community, the best father I can possibly be, a grateful son and a turner. Thank you all for listening to me ramble


Jul 10, 2011
Blackpool -UK
I had this experience last year when one of our cats was run over outside our home. followed by a knock on the door from a neighbour, running out to find an upset driver, and a few minutes later my wife coming out to burst into tears. It's a difficult time to have to compose yourself to support your family, and also dig the hole to lay to rest a pet you wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to.
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