Best place to buy Blanks/kits?

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Sep 14, 2020
I am a newbie so please bear with me.

I am searching to find a good place for me to start buying pen supplies. I know they are all over the place.
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I'll second exotic blanks and turners warehouse. Woodturners catalogue is also good. Haven't purchased from the other two but I know many here have. You might also check out He has a lot of vintage stuff that's hard to find elsewhere, although I'd get some practice in on more common materials before diving into the vintage stuff.
Keep an eye out for free wood sources too. Straight from the tree might need a stay in a wood dehydrator for a while. You can also cast your own blanks fairly cheap with resins and pigments from the hobby store.
Ebay is pretty good for blanks, but you tend to have to buy in lots to make it cost effective due to shipping. Here are a couple of sellers that I have had pretty good luck with:

For more exotic stuff - dyed, stabilized, burl, hybrid, castings, etc it is most cost effective to buy from individual sellers versus the major retail outlets. There are great sellers on IAP in just about every category. Keep an eye out for cutoff boxes - great for simple segmenting, and you can get some nice burl and stabilized pieces at deep discount.

For kits and other supplies I recommend exoticblanks. I have tried others, haven't had too many bad experiences, but never had a bad experience with exoticblanks.
Good advice above.

I my opinion, Exotic Blanks, then tie Beartooh Woods, Arizona Silhouette, then Craft Supplies USA. If you're interested in English kits, the Turners' Warehouse. I have omitted Brea Hardwoods (BHW) because you can find their stuff at the 1st 3 I listed. As for Penn State Industries (PSI), you can get most of their stuff at Exotic Blanks. I like to know the folks with I have dealings, thus I tend to avoid eBay and Etsy. From time to time you can find some good deals here at IAP as well.

All of the above. There are a myriad of choices these days, many more than when I started turning pens. In fact, you might get overwhelmed with all the choices. Let me make a recommendation of a pen kit that's relatively inexpensive, available in several finishes, looks nice, and is forgiving. By forgiving, I mean that they have "beads" on them, so it's not as critical to turn the blank to the correct diameter. They also only have one body, and are a larger diameter than slimline pens. Personally, I don't think slimlines are the best starter pen as a lot of turners do. The "grande" version is larger diameter than the regular, but takes a smaller drill bit (3/8" vs. 27/64"). That leaves more "meat" on the body, which can be beneficial for acrylic pens. The third photo is a grande.



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I am a newbie so please bear with me.

I am searching to find a good place for me to start buying pen supplies. I know they are all over the place.

Michael, you can't do better than for great variety, really great customer service, and great pricing through their mix 'n' match quantity discount policy on pen kits. .

I highly recommend them, and I was going to type this even before Ed submitted his post just above mine.
I have been buying from them for over 10 years and have always had VERY good experiences consistently.
Quantity discount pricing is super common in the pen kit world. Pretty much every outlet has some form of discount. The mix-and-match that exotic blanks does isn't super intuitive, it took me a little while to grasp what was going on, but can be super useful for a low volume turner so I recommend checking it out. I also participated in an IAP group buy a while back with CSUSA, that is basically where the entire group pools an order to get the quantity discount. I know that there has been group buys with various other outlets for kits/tools, I'm sure they'll happen again at some point. Penn state used to send out 20% off coupons every few months, but haven't seen them in a while.

One last thing to keep in mind is that sales tax may vary depending on your state and the outlet, it can be worth considering.
Quantity discount pricing is super common in the pen kit world. Pretty much every outlet has some form of discount. The mix-and-match that exotic blanks does isn't super intuitive, it took me a little while to grasp what was going on, but can be super useful for a low volume turner so I recommend checking it out. I also participated in an IAP group buy a while back with CSUSA, that is basically where the entire group pools an order to get the quantity discount. I know that there has been group buys with various other outlets for kits/tools, I'm sure they'll happen again at some point. Penn state used to send out 20% off coupons every few months, but haven't seen them in a while.

One last thing to keep in mind is that sales tax may vary depending on your state and the outlet, it can be worth considering.
Sales tax is no matter really. I will have to pay the tax (grrrrrr) Mass collects taxes from most of my internet buying.
Our quantity discount IS different!! We think it is easy, but if others think it is not intuitive, let me explain.
We sell all the manufacturers-Dayacom, Berea, PSI and we combine ALL of them, WITH EACH OTHER to arrive at your quantity, then the discount is applied according to the schedule for each pen, so if one offers discounts at 2 units and another at 5 units, and your total purchase was only five units, (2 of one and three of the other, for example) you still get the discount on each.

Yes, other companies have one discount for Berea total purchases, then another discount for PSI total purchases, etc. I don't believe anyone has yet copied our program, which gives much greater total savings and has been in effect for nearly a decade.

We give the policies we WISH we GOT when we were doing shows in 1995-2010!!

Hope this helps!!
Ed and Dawn (ExoticBlanks) have been here from almost the beginning. They are great help, have lots of resources for the pen maker and are regulars (daily) on this forum. Many make them their number one go-to.
Yep I remember it well.... I went to an Exoticblanks booth at my first Midwest Penturners Gathering (years ago). I was new to the hobby, looking for pen kits and accessories and wound up with 2 Great Friends. You can't beat their service or knowledge. Great people!
I've used Bell Forest Products for both pen blanks and knife scales. I believe they have a vendor site here. I've never had any issues with wood I've purchased through them.
Exotic Blanks has everything you could want at the best prices. The service is great. They are my "go to" supplier.
+1 for exotic blanks. I have bought elsewhere and not had issues but the customer service at exotic blanks is at its own level! (Also love the fact that they are located right here in Wisconsin)

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I buy lots of stuff from Exotic Blanks and love the personal service. Ed is great.

I also buy from CSUSA, WoodTurningz, Bear Tooth Woods and several others. Each has their niche and those that I patronize offer excellent customer service. If not, I do not recommend them or buy from them. I have no time to argue over a bad kit or other problem- I need the stuff to arrive quickly and work or I want them to fix the issue quickly so I can get to work.

Your mileage may differ...
I have to agree with Mark. I buy from those that give me great customer service and get back to my emails and phone calls. Some are great at it and some are not so good. So I spend my dollars with those that help me out and are willing to work with me. Again, some do and some don't.
I am a newbie so please bear with me.

I am searching to find a good place for me to start buying pen supplies. I know they are all over the place.
Don't stress out over the cost of a kit that you like. Many people start with slimlines because they are low cost -- they are also twice as much work with two tubes, and one of the harder kits to turn well because of the smaller tube -- and when you are done, you have a nice looking cheap pen that writes like an old ballpoint. If you do want to make slimlines -- get quality hardware and platings. Better yet, go for something like a Sierra that @qquake suggested. The "parker" style refills write MUCH better and you can get some really nice styles and platings. Personally I started with Cigar style. It is still a go-to style for some of my best woods. The black Ti and Gold is impressive and makes the pen. Get some spare tubes for a kit you like. If the first effort doesn't meet your expectations, set the tubes on your desk as a future reminder of how far you have progressed. It doesn't cost any money until you punch it together. Then you have a nice pen that is worthy of your efforts. I like the old photographer adage - you are known by the pictures you show, not the pictures you take.

Welcome and enjoy!

that makes a lot of sense . I started with slim lines because they were a challenge and exacting to make. Starting larger gives a more immediate chance of rewarding results, never thought of it like that before! Never to old to learn or see things from a new angle ! Thanks
Just my list given the kits that I turn. I try to pay from the provers that offer the greatest variety, at the fairest price so that I pay shipping once.
  • Exotic Blanks
  • Turners Warehouse (Chad has kits that some don't carry (yet)
  • PSI with a 20% coupon. I usually get them 3 or 4 times a year
  • CSUSA (when shipping is free)
  • Wooden Whimsies, Beartooth Woods, and Woodturningz (for blanks that they they only sell).
  • Blanks from private individuals
  • When a want silver - Silver Pen Pparts

To be honest, I spend about $2,500 a year on kits, blanks, and accessories., and all of the other IAP providers have always treated me well.
Just my list given the kits that I turn. I try to pay from the provers that offer the greatest variety, at the fairest price so that I pay shipping once.
  • Exotic Blanks
  • Turners Warehouse (Chad has kits that some don't carry (yet)
  • PSI with a 20% coupon. I usually get them 3 or 4 times a year
  • CSUSA (when shipping is free)
  • Wooden Whimsies, Beartooth Woods, and Woodturningz (for blanks that they they only sell).
  • Blanks from private individuals
  • When a want silver - Silver Pen Pparts

To be honest, I spend about $2,500 a year on kits, blanks, and accessories., and all of the other IAP providers have always treated me well.
Although I don't spend that much Tony, this is now another page I will have to "overlook " when talking to my wife about tools 🤫🤫
I think ya'all need a mentoring program!

😁 I think we have about a 1000 mentors on here on any given day! 😁

Seriously though, One thing I like about this forum is the guys who will jump in and offer help. Maybe sometimes we may give too many opinions. But it is the opposite of some sites where - even if a question was last asked 10 years ago, the old timers will write emphatically: "DO A Search!"

I love it when people will jump in and help, even if the question was asked last month. That gets the new person involved much quicker than chastising them for not searching first - which drives them away. And sometimes these new guys (and Ladies) come up with some new stuff quickly that us old timers learn from.
Exoticblanks is my "go to" for all my pens needs. Best service before, during and after the order. Great people.
Gotta agree with that. Ed is awesome, knowledgable, quick with shipping and a member here. as well as Tim @ Woodin whimsies.
I agree with Hank.

The camaraderie here on IAP is not matched anywhere else !!!

The feeling of belonging, the helpfulness, the spirit of folks here is admirable ..... THANK YOU, EVERYONE !!!!
Totally agree with Hank and Mal.

can't advise on kits that side of pond, although I did "virtually visit ", Penn state and Ruth Niles whilst in holiday and several suitable erm ? Parcels arrived before we departed home. But I am. man of my word I did NOT at any stage of our holiday cross the threshold of a tool store as I was forced to promise before we departed the UK to cross the pond.

What a wonderful thing internet ordering is 😇😇
Sadly the third package got spotted as I secured in in the hold luggage but by then it was a done deal! Veritas are truly a wonderful firm to deal with as well !
😁 I think we have about a 1000 mentors on here on any given day! 😁

Seriously though, One thing I like about this forum is the guys who will jump in and offer help. Maybe sometimes we may give too many opinions. But it is the opposite of some sites where - even if a question was last asked 10 years ago, the old timers will write emphatically: "DO A Search!"

I love it when people will jump in and help, even if the question was asked last month. That gets the new person involved much quicker than chastising them for not searching first - which drives them away. And sometimes these new guys (and Ladies) come up with some new stuff quickly that us old timers learn from.
I was thinking more of a one to one kind of thing. But thus far I have had a lot of info sent my way.
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