Beads Ala YoYoSpin

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
I've admired Ed Davidson's (yoyospin) work from afar for quite a while, and I finally got around to trying my hand at some of the beads that he does. Watching his closed end pen DVD, I was amazed at his speed and efficiency on the lathe.

I've been wanting to try some real bead work on a pen for a long time now, and I was turning one of my resins morning, so I thought I'd give it a shot on a lark. After going through just a couple beads, I have a new respect for his skill and talent. Mine were a little hurried

Took me about 10 times as long as it does Ed. I was really proud of it until I watched his slideshow on his website, where he's got some beautiful multiple bead pens that I can only hope to attempt someday.

The blank is one of a series that I'm making for BrentK aimed at Louisiana State (LSU) and ULL, using each of their school colors. I'm turning one of each of the 4 styles that I'm making for him because I want to see how they turned out when finished.

The finish is just MM12K, white diamond buff, and Ren wax, in that order of course.

The kit is a gold Flat Top America fountain pen from Ernie at Bear Tooth Woods. There are four colors in the series that I'm making; purple on gold, gold on purple, red and black and black and red.




Questions and comments welcome!
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Originally posted by R2

Love the blank but to me the pen is too gaudy! Never thought I'd say anything negative about your work Karl, but tha'ts just not to my taste. Sorry!

I actually agree with you. With all the threads and different shades of gold, it's too busy. I think a satin gold kit would've really set it off nicely, and the gold colors would have matched a little better. The beads don't really match the flat look of the center band, either. Oh well, some fancy-pants will buy it! hehe

Originally posted by GoodTurns

Very nice Karl!

Sleep is for mortals, my good man! Why, I tell you I....I uh...hrmmm....

*THUD...snore....* [:p]:D

I actually fell asleep a couple times at the keyboard last morning...posting this pen, that's why that one sentence up there says "Mine were a little hurried" and just falls off with no explanation as to why. Apparently I was hurried because I needed a nap. heh

I've been running on fumes trying to get all my orders finished in between growing the business and trying to at least shower every couple of days and change my sweats. Exciting stuff, but I don't think I've ever worked so much in my whole life! heh
Those are bead-i-ful work, Karl, but a bit busy for my taste.

I took those kits and left out about half the parts to make them more simple. You could do that, but add your beads, and get a really unique look. FWIW
Beleive it or not, the beads make this pen even nicer.
The blank in itself is very nice but the beads make the
pen unique. You have convinced me to try it out for myself.

Thanks for the inspirartion,

Neodon1 [8D]
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