Basket Illusion Pen #2

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
I thought of some ways to refine my approach to doing a basket illusion pen and I think this is an improvement over my first one. There are numerous ways to screw this up and it's really hard for me to get reasonably straight uniform lines.

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The lines along the length can be easily done if you build a platform to sit on the banjo that the pyro pen can ride on. I used it on this project.
I agree with Alex (hallelujahal) ! !

The "Basket Illusion Pen" above is great, and the slight irregularities in the pattern of the burned lines just adds to its appeal for me ! !

Well done, Cody ! !
I also agree with Alex. The fact that the lines are not perfect makes it even more attractive in my opinion.

Assuming that is textured, I can see where that could be a challenge to apply finish. What did you use?
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