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Feb 4, 2010
Lake Saint Louis, MO
I broke down and bought the special edition Barracuda2 chuck from PSI but have to wait till next month for it to ship. I wanted to try some closed end things and was wondering if anyone has used this chuck and what they thought about it.....

I know the plating was over the top, but it looks soooo cool.

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I have a Barracuda chuck and like it but have never used it for anything pen related except for drilling. For closed end work I use a jacobs chuck.
I have a PSI GMC3 mini and a Barracuda 4, like them both. As far as I am concerned, they are essentials in my shop. The B4 is very nearly an all-around tool on the lathe. Once I get a spur center that fits in it, it will be used for 99% of my projects.
Like Frank, I have a GMC3 that I use for pen drilling and two of the Baracuda's.. but mine are the CSC2000's... with an assortment of jaws... they get a constant work out in my shop... only complaint I have is the tommy bars... I need another set of hands sometimes to put pieces on the lathe..
Like Frank, I have a GMC3 that I use for pen drilling and two of the Baracuda's.. but mine are the CSC2000's... with an assortment of jaws... they get a constant work out in my shop... only complaint I have is the tommy bars... I need another set of hands sometimes to put pieces on the lathe..

I agree with the extra hands, I also have the CSC2000, it's OK I've launched a few bowls with it, and turned a few as well, but I've heard some great things about the new barracuda chuck.
I agree with the extra hands, I also have the CSC2000, it's OK I've launched a few bowls with it, and turned a few as well, but I've heard some great things about the new barracuda chuck.

One little trick I've found works for me... after I get the tenon or recess cut on my bowls and hollow forms, I set the chuck on the ways of the lathe, put the piece in the jaws and then tighten the jaws.. I get a better balance this way... sometimes it's tricky threading the chuck on the headstock spindle, but easier than trying to hold a piece with one hand and tightening the jaws with the other.
One of the guys in the club here was using one and what he did was let one of the bars go against the tool rest, one hand on the other bar and his second hand held the wood in place. Tightened it that way and for final tightening used both hands on the 2 bars.
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