Band Clamp Recommendations

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May 16, 2019
Hi all,

I need recommendations for band clamps or strap clamps--whatever you call them--for boxes. I've got two of the Merle band clamps from MLCS. I bought them because they looked sturdy and beefy and they are. But the metal band that is so finicky and difficult to work with that I have had it. It's always retracting into the wheel when I don't want it to, and won't retract when I need it to. Not to mention that the crank is always slipping with built up tension and causing the wheel to circle around.

Any recommendations for some good ones that are easy to use, durable, and hold up well. Preferably, I'd like ones with the tips that have the divot so that glue squeeze out doesn't get stuck to them.

Oh, and if anyone wants the MLCS clamps and is willing to cover medium flat-rate shipping (roughly $18, I think), the MLCS clamps are yours.
My thoughts are the best on the market are the Bessy adjustable angle ones. Followed by Jorgenson Pony ones. Can not go wrong with either one. But with that said I made lots of boxes with Harbor Freight string clamps and they work just as well.
I bought the Bessy band/strap clamp eons ago for restoring old mirror frames. It worked great and still works today.
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