Baby Update!

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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
With so many things going on for me it was awesome to see my baby again yesterday! My wife is at 12.5 weeks and in about a month we'll get to know if it's a boy or girl. Everything is going well with Mommy and Baby. Both of our parents are already trying to spoil the baby with gifts! It was funny because the ultrasound took about 30mins to do bc the baby wouldn't sit still. They kept turning and bouncing around. Now I just need to get better! I've got an appointment with a back specialist tomorrow. I threw something out bigtime while rearranging equipment in my shop. Haven't been comfortable in about 2 weeks. Chiropractor only helps so much and I need to sleep more than a couple hours at a time. Thankfully Shea's been off the past week so she's been wonderful helping me out with everything. Ok...enough ranting about me, here's our baby!


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Congrats Jonathan.

I got 4. We started young and have two out of high-school. the other two are middle school. Theyre great but ALOT of work....... Rest up......
With so many things going on for me it was awesome to see my baby again yesterday! My wife is at 12.5 weeks and in about a month we'll get to know if it's a boy or girl. Everything is going well with Mommy and Baby. Both of our parents are already trying to spoil the baby with gifts! It was funny because the ultrasound took about 30mins to do bc the baby wouldn't sit still. They kept turning and bouncing around.:eek::eek: Now I just need to get better! I've got an appointment with a back specialist tomorrow. I threw something out bigtime while rearranging equipment in my shop. Haven't been comfortable in about 2 weeks. Chiropractor only helps so much and I need to sleep more than a couple hours at a time. Thankfully Shea's been off the past week so she's been wonderful helping me out with everything. Ok...enough ranting about me, here's our baby!

what are you trying to tell us.:biggrin: Glad to hear all is well
Re: baby update


Congratulations, will this be your first? Best wishes to your family and take care of your back. I've been taking pain meds for 8 or 9 years, it's no way to live. Now, back to making blanks!



With so many things going on for me it was awesome to see my baby again yesterday! My wife is at 12.5 weeks and in about a month we'll get to know if it's a boy or girl. Everything is going well with Mommy and Baby. Both of our parents are already trying to spoil the baby with gifts! It was funny because the ultrasound took about 30mins to do bc the baby wouldn't sit still. They kept turning and bouncing around. Now I just need to get better! I've got an appointment with a back specialist tomorrow. I threw something out bigtime while rearranging equipment in my shop. Haven't been comfortable in about 2 weeks. Chiropractor only helps so much and I need to sleep more than a couple hours at a time. Thankfully Shea's been off the past week so she's been wonderful helping me out with everything. Ok...enough ranting about me, here's our baby!
Jonathon, now you done it, you used up all the beautiful colors you had for your blanks so now your baby has none. Shame on you!
Congratulations on a healthy baby and bride. Take good care of them both, your life is about to light up. Also, take good care of your own back, they are not known for self healing without great care. WE can't have you gimping around with that new baby. How would you manage to play with it with a badly messed up back?
Thanks yall! Saw the doc today for my back. Xrays didn't show anything. I've got to take a round of steriods to see if that helps and we'll do another checkup at the end of the month. If no real improvement we're going to do an MRI. I'm hoping I'll be able to enter some stuff for the birthday bash! Since I can't do much else I've been drafting some ideas on pens and stuff I want to do.
Congrats on the new baby! Now the adventure begins, be sure and savor every moment as it will go by very quickly. Also take good care of the back they (backs) can be a real pain in the.......well back. Happy to hear all is well otherwise.

Gee Jonathan the baby looks just like you. :biggrin:

What an exciting time and you guys must be on cloud nine, even with the bum back.
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