"Archangel" Baron Fountain

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
I got around to working on my Archangel/Incubus (gah...stupid name [:I]) set.

I painted the insides of the tubes with that same dumb 'Moroccan Red' paint that I used on that Royal Quartz one that I did. I swear I'm going to throw that bottle of paint in the trash. The colors didn't turn out with near the effect that I was going for. The clear/pearl/white/gold/red mess looks a little too 'organic' if you catch my drift. Looks like someone butchered a raw egg. Yuk. Hopefully the black one will turn out better and make the set balance the gross factor. At least it's nice and sparkly.

Teal, blue, purple, green, pretty much anything but red would have been much better I think. Oh well, someone will scoop them up as long as I don't mention the whole 'mucus' thing. hehe [:p][xx(]

On the upside, it didn't take too much tweaking on the camera to get the black background dialed in. I like it a lot, but I'm not sure how it's going to look with a dark pen. I have a white hunk of plexi too. I'll have to play around some more when I get the other pen turned I guess. At least I get to re-learn my camera again.

Standard resin turn, skew the profile, MM 2400-4000, white diamond buff.

The kit is a Gold Ti from Bill at AS.

Comments/suggestions/questions welcomed. :)


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Karl,looks like your pen went off an et too many green persimmons, I had a hog once what done that very thing and he went off and swoled up just like that [:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)]
Karl I like the blank but IMHO I'm not fancy about the shape of your pen to fat for me, turn a little more and with close end would be great
Karl's report card
workmanship A
Creativity A
Art Skills (Colors) A
Phys Ed D
saddest words you may ever have to say to a friend:

sorry, me friend, she is fat and you did spend a fair bit o' time with her, so we gotta know, does she have any friends?;):D:D:D

Ladies and Gents, out newest artist in residence......Karl Reubens:D
Karl, I don't like the shape of the pen at all, but that blank is outstanding!! You could get lost looking at all the details and swirls. Well done!
I love the pen shape and color. I feel the red just enhances it very nicely. I can only hope to take photos as well as yours. My wife and I are learning to take pictures and I'm having trouble posting my first photos. But we will prevail. :)
Karl for me the shape just .......well its.......unum......not pleaseing to my eyes, the blank is super and your fit and finish excellent.
To be a bit different than other here, I think the shape is fine if you could have done something different with the center band--- such as make a custom center band with a somewhat contrasting color (like a black and green), and make the center band just about as thick as the rest of the upper barrel---- thereby eliminating the wasp-waist that the stock cb is causing.

Would have basically the shape of a Havana/El Toro.
Originally posted by GoodTurns

Karl's report card
workmanship A
Creativity A
Art Skills (Colors) A
Phys Ed D
saddest words you may ever have to say to a friend:

sorry, me friend, she is fat and you did spend a fair bit o' time with her, so we gotta know, does she have any friends?;):D:D:D

Ladies and Gents, out newest artist in residence......Karl Reubens:D

OMG, how dead on accurate of statement is this!!!!
Originally posted by hunter-27

Originally posted by GoodTurns

Karl's report card
workmanship A
Creativity A
Art Skills (Colors) A
Phys Ed D
saddest words you may ever have to say to a friend:

sorry, me friend, she is fat and you did spend a fair bit o' time with her, so we gotta know, does she have any friends?;):D:D:D

Ladies and Gents, out newest artist in residence......Karl Reubens:D

OMG, how dead on accurate of statement is this!!!!

LOL...Maybe I shoulda named the set Samson and Delilah instead...I just hope I still get a knighthood out of the whole mess.

You guys are something else. :D
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