Another Roundtop

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
Here's another of those Berea Streamlined Roundtop pens I made today in Inlace Acrylester. This stuff is a pain to turn, but it sure is pretty!


I made this pen for my Wife as a congratulations gift. She has been studying for months for her GRE test (entrance exam for graduate school), and today was the day of the test! She did good, and she liked the pen! ;)

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First, congrats to you for the pen and your wife in her studies. Next, where could one find this acrylester? My shop is going to have to grow or something. Everything I see I want.
Scott nice pen and congrats to the Lady that puts up with you:~) I can tell you from experence that you should get used to the silent treatment as she will have her nose in a book most of the time now. My lovely better half completed Law school a while ago and is now working on an advanced law degree in Internet Law, Intelectual Property and Patents. Sometimes it's very lonely around here. But it does give me more shop time which is not all bad. LOL

Nice Pen. Is that the stuff from Craft Suppies? I have turned a lot of it and I both hone and sharpen while doing a pen. Love the "strings" that come off like spaghetti... Albeit not tasty like spaghetti...[:D]
Thanks everybody! This color of acrylester was a closeout I got from a friend that was going out of the pen supply business almost two years ago. Sometimes it takes me a while to get back to things! ;-)

And my Wife, Diane, says thanks for the nice comments! (She's studying on her laptop across the room right now!)

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