Another Aussie Oi Oi Oi !

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Oct 19, 2010
Norlane Vic Australia
G'day all I've been looking at this forum for a while now, I started turning pens about Sep-Oct last year, I love it but it's a bit like golf, it can be terribly frustrating as well as awsomely rewarding. Sometimes I learn more from the failures than the successes. Look forward to meeting you all "virtually". Is there a spot I can show some pendants I've made?
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Welcome from Alabama, I am kinda new to this as well but have learned a lot from reading and screwing up too. I am almost ready to write a book though on pen turning......."101 ways to screw up a pen".......I won't need any help help at all with this book!!!
Welcome from far west Kentucky, Peter, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. You mention that you have read some of the site, be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
also welcome, i'm sorta new as well,, i may have even discovered the 102th way to screw up a piece of wood in a lathe,,
Welcome to the "vortex" of pen turning this is where no one needs a reason to buy a new tool,pen kit or blank!!!! Enjoy your time here and make some sawdust!!!
From South Carolina!!!
I try to get in my shop everyday...
If I put all the great things about turning into one group - This Forum would be at the top of the list; from the wonderful folks that keep all the behind the scenes stuff running to the ones that log on an support it everyday. There are some amazing people in this group. The amount of knowledge, openness and generosity actually give you hope in our worlds "current times".
My day generally starts with a cup of coffee, a check on IAP / well sometimes I am glued to it for an hour or more...Then I go to the shop and try to learn from my many mistakes made throughout the day...LOL
The best part of this group - is "This group"
I will guarantee inside of one month you will have several people from this forum that you connect with - exchanging info almost daily perhaps even keeping in touch via phone - email - texting....etc
Welcome, keep in touch, check in daily and share – You will be blessed for it.
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