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Feb 6, 2013
Alvin, TX 77511
I think that we finally have a new version of the Android app on Google Play.

We were unable to submit an update to the old version, so we had to submit the update as a "NEW" app.

Unfortunately, that means that if you previously purchased the app, you will also have to buy the new version to be able to access our latest database. Sorry about that - it's a Google issue.

At least for now, both versions show up, so be sure to download the June 15, 2023 version. We are trying to figure out how to remove the old version.

I don't do Android, so I have no way to test it, and we contracted with an app developer who is not a pen turner. Bottom line is that we need YOU to download & test the app & report any issues here so we can try to address them.
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So. I bought it again. It was sort of a pain to find on the play store. I finally ended up going through the app I had to get there.
After I downloaded it, it wouldn't install until I completely uninstalled the original version.

It would be nice if in the settings, in the version info, it listed a date. Currently, it just says version 1.0. I'll play around with it more.
So. I bought it again. It was sort of a pain to find on the play store. I finally ended up going through the app I had to get there.
After I downloaded it, it wouldn't install until I completely uninstalled the original version.

It would be nice if in the settings, in the version info, it listed a date. Currently, it just says version 1.0. I'll play around with it more.
Thanks for the feedback.

A search for "IAP bushings" should find it on Google Play.

Unfortunately, the hassle of having to delete the old version to fully install the new version is a Google issue. No point in going into detail on that.

I should have asked the developer to use a new version number - sorry about that.

Keep us posted on your testing.
I downloaded, then refunded as soon as I saw that no encryption is used.

BTW: There was only 1 version in the play store.
I was able to "unpublish" the old version, so new users will only see the new version, but those who already have the old version will see both.

Why should the app need encryption? Nothing is transmitted from your phone unless you send an email.
I'm just anal & everything nowdays uses encrypted connections since ssl certs are free. I only install apps on my tablet. Apps don't go on my phone for security reasons.
I'm just anal & everything nowdays uses encrypted connections since ssl certs are free. I only install apps on my tablet. Apps don't go on my phone for security reasons.
Your choice - we don't store any personal data in the app or transmit anything other than URLs from the app. The only time anything is transmitted is if you intentionally send an email to us & encryption of that is up to your Mail server.

It's as benign as an app can possibly be, so there is no need for encryption, and I have no plans to add it.
It's your app. I just didnt think security would be such a PIA as it must be. Hopefully the app developer was vetted & no back doors built in. There's too many apps around where developer dont properly disclose data & privacy. Good luck.
The Library Menu has been updated Under the 'Bushing, Tube & Apps.' Tab.

The Google Information regarding the App is below.

android info.png

The Download page is:

Contact Email:
Thanks, Wayne.

I have documented all the Hootdraaiwerken pen kits (about 175). I'm working on his project kits - quite a few of those too.
I never understood why it takes soo long to get android versions of apps. Iphones are not very far ahead of android here in the US and android actually out numbers ios globally. I went to android from ios back at iphone 4 and will never go back. Lol
I never understood why it takes soo long to get android versions of apps. Iphones are not very far ahead of android here in the US and android actually out numbers ios globally. I went to android from ios back at iphone 4 and will never go back. Lol
There's no simple answer. Many factors go into the time it takes to develop software.

In the case of our IAP app, I just happen to be an iOS developer with a dozen apps on the Apple Store. Even with that background, the development of this app took several months & many man-hours. It may appear simple, but there is a LOT going on behind the scenes in this app, and there are a lot of display screens. Every one of them has to be tweaked for good appearance on all the different sized phone & tablet devices.

IOS & Android operating systems & development systems are completely different, so when work is done for one, it has to essentially be duplicated for the other.

I don't do Windows or Androids and have no interest in learning either of them. We are a volunteer organization (I donate my time) and don't have deep pockets to pay outside developers. We were fortunate to find a volunteer to create the original Android version, but he is no longer able to provide that service.

We were hoping that we might find another volunteer, but so far we haven't, so we contracted with an Android developer to update it. The required changes were simple - it just needed to access our new server for the database rather than the old server.

Unfortunately, things are never as simple as they seem. It took an experienced Android developer 4 weeks just to tweak all the code and displays for compatibility with the latest Android development tools — keeping in mind that he didn't have to write a single line of new code for us. It's just that dang tedious to keep apps up to date with new OS and device releases.

Your observation on total USA & Global users is correct, but as far as our particular app is concerned, about 5 times as many copies have been installed on Apple devices vs Androids.
Installed it drama free on an old tablet.
Quick tip for others - if you are looking for matching bushings, the input looks to be space delimited so putting a space between them works.
ala 0.373 0.286 0.430.
Partial matches work if you are looking to find 'close to' bushings
ala 0.37 0.28 0.43
though I imagine you'll have to fuzz up a digit if you are close to the upper end on a number
ala 0.466 0.289 gives you Bullet Cartridge Twist 30 Caliber BP - Full , and 0.466 0.29 gives you Bullet Cartridge Twist 30 Caliber BP - Longwood (which may be a bad example but I think you've got the idea)
Installed it drama free on an old tablet.
Quick tip for others - if you are looking for matching bushings, the input looks to be space delimited so putting a space between them works.
ala 0.373 0.286 0.430.
Partial matches work if you are looking to find 'close to' bushings
ala 0.37 0.28 0.43
though I imagine you'll have to fuzz up a digit if you are close to the upper end on a number
ala 0.466 0.289 gives you Bullet Cartridge Twist 30 Caliber BP - Full , and 0.466 0.29 gives you Bullet Cartridge Twist 30 Caliber BP - Longwood (which may be a bad example but I think you've got the idea)
Thanks for the feedback.

Great tip on searching, but you can also omit the leading "0."

466 289 will give the same results as 0.466 0.289
download and installed today. I detest Apple and only the fact that my wife's daughters all use iPhones is why she has an iPhone but they aren't for me.
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