A Void Mistake...

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
I've been wanting to make a really dark pen for a long time, just never got around to it. That's where my "Dark Matter", "Warlock", and some of the "Turmoil" blanks got their background from.

I recently made a new series that I call "Void", implementing an process that I'd had in mind for a while. This is another 'runty' one from the first batch of those...that's what I get for trimming blanks when I'm really tired...all those little marks on the fence rule start looking the same! You know, 7/8", 5/8"...I mean, how much difference can it make, right? Well, lemme tell ya...about a quarter inch. Whoops. [:p]

Since I blew it on the blank for selling, I figured it was high time for my dark pen! Had just enough clearance for a cigar, so here she is!

Black pearlized PR with translucent pearlized purple resin globs and a pearlized white resin 'plane' piece near the clip

Micromesh to white diamond polish and then black magic wax for finish. I really like the all black thing, but I imagine it's going to show every little scratch and nick. [B)]:)

Oh man, you haven't lived until you've tried to photograph an all black pen sitting on a dark background. I had to fight off the lint gremlins after each shot!



Comments and questions welcome, thanks for peeking. :D
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Wow that is all I can say. For some reason my most popular pen kits have been the black finish but I never tried black on black. Is this one of the blanks you sell?
Originally posted by rjwolfe3

Wow that is all I can say. For some reason my most popular pen kits have been the black finish but I never tried black on black. Is this one of the blanks you sell?

Yeah, this is one of my new series, "Void". There's a lot of black in them. :)
Hi,i have just made a black pen. It is a bear to make sure all scratches are off,and i don`t even want to talk about lint. But i have to say,it is my best work to date,and will help me make future pens better. Black is cool. Carl
Originally posted by R2

Genius!! Your Imagination must be a wonderful place in which to live!:):):)[^]

hehe! I don't know that I'd go that far! My imagination is a scary place sometimes, and sorting the good ideas from the bad, or just plain odd, is sometimes a full time job. [:p]

*ducks while getting buzzed by the flying rainbow colored chinchilla that wears a hat made from marshmallows*
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