A Labor of Love

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
Yes, I do actually turn pens! :rolleyes:

When my Dad died this past Spring, I decided that I should make pens from the spent shell casings from his "21-gun-salute". I sought advice here (of course) which led me to Eric Rasmussen of Little River Crafts. Eric turned some pretty nasty shell casings into some beautiful Bullet Pens. All I had to do was turn the top end and put them all together.

I initially chose pecan wood, and with the help of members here I collected enough lovely spalted pecan wood blanks. But all I did was ruin those blanks because they were so soft. Then I turned to some nice Afzelia I had in my shop. A few years back I had made a cane for my Dad out of Afzelia, so the wood had some meaning to him.

Yesterday I finished up the last of these pens so they could go out by Christmas. It's a little late, but most of the people they need to go to are local. I made one pen for each of my Dad's kids, me included, with his name engraved on the pen. Then there are pens for each of his Grandchildren without the engraving. And finally one pen for his one remaining sister. It all worked out perfectly to 21 pens.

Since you all helped me through that rough time, and with the making of these pens, I wanted to share a picture as kind of a Christmas wish to you all, a Thank You, and a hope that you all completed your labor of love this year. Thanks again to everyone at the IAP!



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This is so awesome Scott!! I'm sure everyone will treasure these beautifully crafted pens!

Thanks for sharing and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
I remember those tough times you went thru Scott. And, I'm glad you posted the photo of the pens. These are a nice tribute with a great meaning. Have a good holiday!
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