A Great Visit with Friends at Exoticblanks

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Jan 31, 2008
Ottawa, Illinois
So I've said many times, "one of these days I'm going to make it up to see you guys". Well, Yesterday was that day. I arrived at Exoticblanks in Racine WI midmorning. It started with a tour of the new headquarters (I was a kid in a candy store!) I was treated to a delicious Kringle from the famous OH Bakery, lots of conversation and sharing of new ideas and new products. I had a nice lunch with lots of laughter and stories, and we even managed to cast a few blanks. I was very fortunate to learned of a few new up and coming surprises Exoticblanks will have and I am very excited! Before I knew it, 12 hours had passed and I hadn't even notice the sun had gone down. lol Ed and Dawn, I can't thank you enough for the wonderful day and your very generous hospitality! I'm looking forward to future road trips and more surprise Exoticblanks has I store for us. Thanks Again for the wonderful day!
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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Don't let John fool you!! We were thrilled to have him come up for the day, but how many people come to visit and bring their own Laboratory!!

We have not yet set up the casting part of the building, so I dug out some old pressure pots and the compressor we used, only to find they had "some rust". While it was not bad, I have great respect for pressure vessels, so I resolved to get new equipment before John arrived. Of course, that did not happen---but John "mentioned" that he had everything we would need and brought in ALL the necessary pieces, including the resin!!!

Was it fun? Well, have you ever sat between two experts and felt pretty "ill-informed"??When talking about casting and new product ideas, I had John on one side and PR_Princess on the other---it was GREAT to have someone who UNDERSTANDS and can CONTRIBUTE to the wealth of ideas Dawn has "rattling around in her head".

When it came to "friendly conversation", there could not be a better guest!!

So, the day did pass unbelievably quickly!!! And we all went away with a few new ideas to "mull over". Hopefully, John will be back in a few weeks and you all will SEE some of those projects he and Dawn discussed, as they actually come to fruition!!

As for me, I sat and marveled and made lunch!! Next time, we will plan better so John can have dinner before the long ride home--but that was my ONLY regret from the day!!

THANK YOU, JOHN!!! Dawn and I enjoyed every minute of your short visit!!!
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Oct 29, 2012
central Minnesota
I am not a little jealous.........I am green with envy.

The one time I was in Racine, Dawn was so busy I couldn't even meet her. Of course, That was BEFORE the move and new setup. Ed keeps telling me he will post a video of the new digs without the steps........but so far, nothing.

Happy that you all had a great visit. Waiting to hear when the open house and BarBQ is going to happen....LOL Now got to keep both eyes on EB and what is coming out next!


Dec 1, 2006
Aurora, Ill, USA.
I had the opportunity to get together with Ed this summer for dinner. Had great time and yes, it flew by. Always nice to catch up with Ed.


Jan 31, 2008
Ottawa, Illinois
As always "No Pictures, Didn't Happen".


I was held to secrecy. Even had to secure my cell phone before they would open the door. Lol.

Actually I was going to take a selfie of me in front of the building but time got away from me and it was too dark when I went outside to leave. Another reason to go back... lol
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