A few new pens...

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Aug 13, 2020
Central Valley, California
It has been a while since I actually posted anything. In the last few months I moved away from the shopsmith and now am a proud owner of a Laguna Revo 12/16! It's a fantastic lathe.
I finally gave my try at a few Sierra twists. Originally, I started a African Ebony and Catalpa segment blank which I was going to use for the BASH.
Well, work became very busy with covid patients still coming in. I wasn't able to get to the pen.

Finally, I finished the Sierra Blank, which I kept straight. The original idea was to make it checkered. I decided to keep it windowed.

So, African Ebony and Catalpa with veneer segmenting. Sanded with 400 to 1500 grit. Wiped down with acetone in between sandings.
Applied layers of CA glue until I felt comfortable.
Then sanded with 400 grit lightly to get it even.
Buffed and polished on the wheels.

Best thing is that I am able to turn between centers. The Nikitas TBC bushings were donated to me from Mark Mayo. I don't ever see myself going back to a mandrel.

thanks for looking!


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Nice work !!!


Quick question .... the "separator slice" in your segmenting .... is that actually a laminate of 3 layers ...
... dark-light-dark in the vertical "separator slice" of picture #1 ?

It kinda looks that way.
Excellent looking pen laminating is sharp and crisp. Great CA finish. All round Great job.
Turning between centers much more accurate and you can take your work on and off the Lathe for inspection and always run true. Great pen.
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