A couple of stylus pens

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Feb 14, 2008
Adelaide, SA, Australia.
My two daughters both have iPads (and iPhones) and I made a couple of stylus pens for them to try.

The first one uses a Streamline kit with one of my glitter blanks.


The next one I wanted to make as slim as possible but I didn't have a gold slimline centreband to match the ends (don't normally use slimline kits) so I used a left over copper one. This is also with one of my own blanks.


Have some gold stylus kits on order with some extra gold centre bands to match the stylus tips I bought seperately on Ebay.

Interestingly, the complete stylus kits from Timberbits were cheaper than the seperate tips.:eek:

Most people who tried these stylus pens favoured the slim one over the Streamline one.
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Very nice, really like the blanks.
Same here as far as the slim stylus pens go. Your daughters should be very happy with those.
You did that glitter one pretty nicely, it's hard to keep the glitter from 'wadding up' at one end or side. And the other has some nice tight swirling to it!!

Great gifts for them!!

Scott (wish I was a slimline, I gots a wasp body) B
Thanks guys.

Scott, the reason the glitter looks even is that it was applied to the tubes first, then clear cast. Not only does this give a better distribution, but it also uses a hell of a lot less glitter. It also allows the glitter to really sparkle.
Very cool. Thanks for explaining the glitter blank. I've avoided using any glitter because of the problems Scott mentioned. I've kind of held back doing any of these till I get a feel for how well they work. Do your daughters and your other customers say they work well? And do they really use them over just using their finger?

Scott (wish I was a slimline, I gots a wasp body) B
You forgot to add "with no centerband":biggrin: And I know, I have no room to talk . . . . . . or type.:rolleyes:
Yes, both daughters reckon they are the best thing since sliced bread. I have made one for my own use as well, the slim one, and I am using it on my Android smart phone, my fumble fingers are too thick for the on-screen little keyboard. Can't use it on an iPad as I am too poor to afford one:)
I glue my glitter to my tubes before casting clear too.

Ver nice on both. I also holding back on the stylus

The stylus kits from Timberbits are only $2.00 each and at that price I have decided to make a bunch and see how they go.

My first lot of 10 stylus tips only cost me more than that just for the tips.
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