A Big One

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Aug 10, 2008
BC, Canada
Another one I finished off today. This is a big 11.5" diameter bowl . Too bad it is virtually impossible to get straight lines matched up perfectly due to the small amount of wood lost as sawdust and shavings when cutting the rings. Wishing now that I had staggered the rings like I normally do with this style of bowl . The Coke can is just for size reference.

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Yes, I love the bowl too. The colors really make it unique. I would suggest you try this same combination with a smaller size, as it is quite striking in appearance. Thanks for showing it to us.
Now with all the packing we have been doing,, I found my popcorn bowl! LOL! Just kidding. Bill that is one pretty bowl...The colors are great and yep some times lines are hard to get perfect, but what the hey,, that is a beautiful bowl... Fay
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