A Beautiful Experience

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Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia

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After many years of Pen Turning, one could be excused of Thinking, "That this is not Turning a Hundred Pens", but "that it is Turning one Pen a Hundred Times"

Well fortunately, I have not had that experience, and I have just had an Opportunity that has Completely Revitalised me, and that Experience was due to Turning a Blank by Kenneth Nelsen of Kallenshaan Woods

I needed to make a Pen for German Shepherd Lover, so the only thing I could think off, within the Time Frame, was to use a Laser Cut Blank, which I got straight away from Ed and Dawn, of Exotic Blanks, along with their Traditional Turners Food of "M & Ms".

The German Shepherd Pen Inlay Kit consists of 22 pieces, with some as small as a piece of wood turned off the chisel, these are all Laser Cut, with a Minimum Kerf, so that when they are fitted you have a minimum sized Burn Line.
The Instructions, mention that while you are fitting a specific Part Number 9, that there is a particular thin section on this part, that as you go to fit it, it may break, but this might make it actually easier to fit it.
So with those comments ringing in my ears, amplified by my hearing aids, and my over active imagination, with trepidation I commenced, trying to locate and fit the next part in this drama.
As mentioned some were smaller than some pieces of my saw dust, and with my aging hands, with several fingers that don't work most of the time. I managed to get all parts intact and where they belong.
I had them under the numerous elastic bands provided, and held in place against the brass Tube.
This kit is supplied with a 27/64" drilled hole, which makes it ideal for the PSI Gatsby Hardware Kit.
Progressively, as you get parts in place a few drops of CA, is required to hold them in position.
Which was Fine, I got all my pieces in place with a liberal dose of CA, to find that I overlooked, that I was to have centered the Tube in the Blank.
When I found this out, fortunately the Blank Covered all the Inlays, but the Tube was not centered to the Image.
But the Good Angel that looks after me had all the Image locked tight.
There was no way that I could move the tube in or from the Blank, so it is what it is, or as we used to say in the early days of computers "WYSIWYG" (What You See Is What You Get)
The German Shepherd's Hind Leg and Tail, are clear of the front section of the Pen, Whew!!!
The numerous Elastic Bands also get glued onto the Blank. but came away with the Skew, on it's initial Passes.
The base was made of a soft material, so I chose, once I had reduced the ends down to the Bush Diameter, to sand the complete Blank, until all pieces were of the same thickness and no protruding edges were available to be caught.
I then shaped and finished the Blank, with a little thicker section in the middle, than I would have done had I been able to glue the Tube and Blank Completely, rather than by it is "Holding OK" for now.
I finished with 4 coats of CA, using the range of Micro Mesh after each Coat, Then a coat of Renaissance Wax.

Every one should experience a Kallenshaan moment, it is exhilarating.

I am extremely pleased with the Beautiful Pen I produced, with most of the work being done by Kallenshaan Woods.

Critiques and Comments are welcome and appreciated.


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    181118 German Shepherd - 1.jpg
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Brian...it is just GREAT to hear from you again! Beautiful work. My wife and I, and most of our friends are dog lovers.
Many Thanks for your Very Kind words on the German Shepherd Pen, and my return, Cody, Keith, Art, Mark, Jim, Tom, Tony, Jay, Rod, and Bob.
Over the Past two years, I have received wonderful support from my many friends, and fellow Pen Turners, I am getting better every Day, though my recall of names and words, is still a bit of a struggle, but I believe it is getting easier, or perhaps I am just getting more accustom to it. As you have probably noted I got Great Enjoyment from this Pen, that I had to share it with you all.
Thank you for your Kind and Warm Reception.
Kindest regards,
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Bravo, Brian !!!!

I know from my own experience that this kit is not only one of the Kallenshaan masterpieces, but it is also one of the greatest challenges.

You did extremely well to complete it, Brian !!! . And to produce such a glorious pen !!!
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Brian, my friend, beautiful work as always with spot on fit and finish! I agree with other posters here, don't know which I enjoy more: your narrative or the pen. Okay, I'll vote for both.

Keep turning!
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