7 MM pen kits

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Aug 11, 2010
Chicago, Il
I just bought a bunch of acyrlics from someone who is getting out of turning. Included in the package was 40 blanks predrilled at 7mm. Besides the slimline what other kit uses 7mm? I guess I can always re-bore it I need to.


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There are alot of kits that will use the 7mm drilled blanks euros and streamlines are just a few i can think of right now.
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Many letter openers, Bracelet assistants and keychains use the 7mm tubes. Any project you adapt to a 7mm kit will use those blanks right up.
Off the top of my head, the comfort pen is 7mm, and there is a 7mm Euro. PSI has a "Longwood" and a new one called "Patricio". There are probably others.

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And yes, your guess is correct, it is quite easy to simply drill to a larger hole using the 7mm as a pilot, but do be sure that you either stop short of exiting the bit and cut off, or glue on a waste block to avoid having a drill flute catch while exiting and blow up the blank! DAMHIKT

I just bought a bunch of acyrlics from someone who is getting out of turning. Included in the package was 40 blanks predrilled at 7mm. Besides the slimline what other kit uses 7mm? I guess I can always re-bore it I need to.


Comfort, euro, designer, streamline, trimline, slimline pencil, and many others.
The beauty of having pre-drilled blanks is that drilling a bigger hole thru the predrilled hole keeps the bit from wandering and makes drill press drilling as accurate as lathe drillng (assuming that the 7mm hole is accurate).

On fragile materials such as Bakelite, Ebonite, inlace and sometimes casein, I would NEVER attempt a "Majestic" hole without pre-drilling.
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Slimline pen and pencil
Confort pen and pencil
Streamline and trimline pen
Euro line pen
Long Wood pen
Teacher pen
Credit card pen
Many slyle of keyring including keyring pen
Some letter openner
If the blanks are full length and at least 3/4" square , there is no kit that can't be made with those blanks . Simply turn them round and if they are 3/4" round or bigger , chuck them in a collet chuck and they can be drilled for any full sized kit , even Majestics and Emperors .
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