2nd Annual NOVA IAP Picnic

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Sep 19, 2005
Stafford, Virginia, USA.
Greetings all! It's that time of year again, time to start thinking about Spring, warmer weather, and the 2nd annual NOVA (Northern Virginia) IAP Picnic. This year the picnic will be held on May 17th, 2008, so mark your calendars. Plans will be similar to last year and the picnic will start at 11 AM.

--I'll provide brauts and hamburgers
--Everyone will need to bring a dish to share or supplies
--Let me know what you plan to bring so we don't get duplicates
--Significant others are welcome
--Children are welcome as long as there is someone to watch them while the penturners talk shop
--Activities for young children (around 4 years of age) will be provided, older children may need to bring their own entertainment to prevent boredom
--This will be an alcohol free gathering, except for the beer used in the cooking of the brauts

We have two new canopies to help provide shade or rain cover. Any and all penturners are welcome, you don't need to live in the Norther Virginia area to attend, just be willing to make the drive. Let me know if you are interested in attending, it will be held in Stafford, Virginia.

Last year we had a PR casting demo, and a green bowl roughing out hands on. If any attendees have any suggestions for demos this year, let me know.

I look forward to seeing some old friends, and making some new ones.
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That sounds great, James! Son_of_Proud_Poppa will have a little league game that day, but I expect he'll be willing to fake an injury so that he can attend. (If he's not willing to fake the injury, I'll give him a real one.:D)

If anybody's willing to oblige, I'd love to see one of those modified Harbor Freight vacuum/pressure setups. Being mechanically disinclined, I can't follow the tutorial and the lingo used therein. I need to see an actual unit with someone there to give a hands-on explanation.
Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2

If anybody's willing to oblige, I'd love to see one of those modified Harbor Freight vacuum/pressure setups. Being mechanically disinclined, I can't follow the tutorial and the lingo used therein. I need to see an actual unit with someone there to give a hands-on explanation.

If that can be arranged, people could get their supplies ahead of time and we could have a build-fest! I too have mechanical/following directions issues and would love to build one, but fear explosions!
Jon, that's a great idea! If we can find the right person to lead us in the build-fest, and he/she provides me with a complete parts list, I'll be happy to take orders and go to Harbor Freight (and wherever else I need to go) to get all the parts and supplies and we can build and test our contraptions under the watchful eye of an expert.
Sounds like loads of fun.. my wife's best friend for grade school lives in Annapolis.. if I could pull it off, we could cover both visits... too bad it's 9 hours drive to Stafford and another 1 1/2 to Annapolis..
Glad to hear some folks will be able to make it. I also have a PP setup, pressure only, and minimal fittings (my safety valve broke so it was removed). I use a combination of the pressure gauge on the PP and on the compressor to double check how much pressure I'm using.

If you have an idea of what you'd like to bring, please send me a PM so I can start composing a list. I have already heard from two, one bringing a dessert, one bringing ribs.

Hopefully someone at the picnic will be proficient with the three wheel buffing system, I can't seem to get the hang of that yet. I end up with more scratches than I'm starting with. [B)]
Originally posted by ozmandus

Sounds like loads of fun.. my wife's best friend for grade school lives in Annapolis.. if I could pull it off, we could cover both visits... too bad it's 9 hours drive to Stafford and another 1 1/2 to Annapolis..

What's nine hours between pen turners? :D[}:)] If you can swing it, you're more than welcome to join us!
I mentioned the gathering to my wife, she sent an email to her friend.. I think she's planning on us coming... also thought since we're that close, may drop through Hopewell and visit the old family homestead... my mother's family owned the Appomadox manor house where Grant made his headquarters in 1864 when he took Lee's surrender.. now I can get 3 birds with one stone..
Originally posted by Draken

Hopefully someone at the picnic will be proficient with the three wheel buffing system, I can't seem to get the hang of that yet. I end up with more scratches than I'm starting with. [B)]

Is it a true Beall? I get scratchless finishes on my PRs with my Beall. Regardless, I should be able to give it a good go. I will throw in a few ready-to-buff blanks too.

I have been kicking around the idea of doing a label casing show and tell demo.
Originally posted by Blind_Squirrel

You will just have to show up and see, won't you? ;)

I was going to be there just for the brauts. Now, I've got two reasons to show up.:) Oh yeah, I also want to see James' new lathe. And, then there's the vacuum/pressure pot assembly-fest, if we can get that going. Plus, I hear Ed Brown is going is to send one free pen per attendee. Of course, there will be the usual seven-night cruise for a family of four door prize. I guess I'd be a fool not to come (not that there's anything wrong with being a fool - DAMHIKT).
I plan on attending and will bring nibs and other accessories. I will also be glad to demo a few areas of fountain pen adjusting. Count on me for chips and dip (since I can't assume that I'll have a companion or that she will prepare something.) [8D]
Originally posted by Blind_Squirrel

Is it a true Beall? I get scratchless finishes on my PRs with my Beall. Regardless, I should be able to give it a good go. I will throw in a few ready-to-buff blanks too.

It is the version sold by PSI. Seemed to be about the same as the Beall, but fit my budget better. I've only tried two things with it so far, so I don't expect instant success. But I don't know what to change to improve my results. More compound or less? Faster speed or slower? More pressure or less? Looking forward to your insight, and the label casting demo would be cool as well.
We need to keep this up front so we can see it... trying to induce as many as possible to show up for your Brats and Burgers..

If the price of gasoline doesn't reach the $4 mark as predicted, looks like we're going to try to make it.
Originally posted by ozmandus

We need to keep this up front so we can see it... trying to induce as many as possible to show up for your Brats and Burgers..

If the price of gasoline doesn't reach the $4 mark as predicted, looks like we're going to try to make it.

Hope you are able to make it, we had a great time last year, and always great to meet new folks from the IAP, and catch up with the ones I haven't seen in a while.
How about the IAP logo? Since it is related to the IAP, I don't think Jeff would have any objections. If not, let me know and I'll take some photos of my daughter. :D
Sure is, I'll be sending out an email to everyone who is on the list so far, so we can start to zero in on a head count and what everyone plans on bringing. Also sort out what demos and whatnot will be planned for the day as well as directions to my house. Our neighborhood has a new entrance to the south, making it easier for folks headed up from that direction. If you're interested in the picnic, but haven't sent me a PM yet, please do so I can add you to the list before the email goes out.
I can't make the trip alone and Claudia may be in the midst of a work crunch at that time. I'm hoping her crunch is later in the month though. I'll let you know, as soon as possible. I had a great time last year. I may be on solid food by then, but I just don't know yet. Heck, I might be able to handle two crawdads. [:eek:)]
Hope everything works out and you can make it Rob, after all, you started this tradition three years ago. Although the name changed a bit when the hosting moved to VA. ;)

Thank you very much for your generous offer. I've PM'd you my address. Every turner who comes to the picnic will get their name put into a hat for door prize donated by Rich! :D

Hope to see a lot of new faces and old faces there!
Email update ready to send out, waiting on email address for two members who posted in this thread saying they'd like to attend, but I don't have their email address. I've PM'ed them, and once I have those addresses, the update will go out.

Email update sent out. If you didn't receive it, and have indicated you'd like to attend the picnic, please let me know! Also, for anyone else who wants to attend, its not too late! As my wife puts it, the more, the merrier. :)

James, do you know if anyone from this area is planning to attend? It would mean an over night, but I think it would be worth it to get to meet some of NOVA gang.;)
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No one from Ohio yet, that I'm aware of. We do have some coming up from Tennessee and possibly some from Delaware. You can be a trail blazer and be the first to attend from Ohio. :D Let me know if you need any local hotel info. Send me a PM and I'll get the email update out to you. For you, it would be roughly 500 miles each way, and about 8 1/4 hours according to Google Maps.
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