2017 Freestyle Pen Contest

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Jul 19, 2015
Brooksville, MS
In addition to the Universal Bash Guidelines, the contest rules are as follows:

The trademark of this contest is it has the most freedom for creative design.

The Rules
1. It must write.
2. It must be made by you.
3. You may use any and all tools at your disposal as long as you are the one that operates it.

The spirit
This is the contest where we stretch the boundaries of our craft and put more emphasis on the concept and the design than on function. We are looking for the pen that inspires pen design for the next year. In my time as a member here I have seen space ships, modern rifles, medieval weapons, musical instruments, spongebob, a hat with a feather in it, dragons, a stack of animals that were carved out of brass, lab equipment, and others that at present slip my mind. All of these were works of art that also happened to be pens. This is what we are looking for.

There will be an email address provided to send entries to.
A maximum of three pictures will be posted along with your brief description of your work. Judging will be done by the pictures you provide.
Contest will start Wednesday Feb 1st and entries will be accepted through End of day Saturday Feb. 18th.

Winners will be decided by popular vote.
Pens will be judged by the pen.
Pictures and polls will be posted on Monday Feb 20th and end Wednesday Feb 22nd.

Prizes will be given to the top three entries.

Good Luck Everybody!!!
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
You say the pens will be judged by both the pen and it's stand. What are the requirements for the stand? Complementary build or just artistic blend?
Most of these pens are built to look like something when the pen and the stand are put together. Apart you have the pen and the stand. That's my thoughts anyway. What's your thoughts? If that's not right I can change it..
Just thinking consistency. The rules don't require the maker to incorporate a stand into the design but they will be judged on the pen and stand. Last year none of the pens incorporated nor were pictured with a stand. The rules were the same then so technically no one should have won.

Here's a link to the 2013 contest http://www.penturners.org/forum/f184/r-b-crafts-freestyle-pen-contest-106948/

Just my thoughts....
I was trying to base off of last years rules. I didn't see the pens that were posted. Moderator if you will take the part out about being judged on the stand.
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Pens will judged by pens. That does sound a little goofy. Could you change that to: Pens will be judged on originality and execution.

Also if more than 10 entries there will be a runoff pole.

Please Mr moderator.
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2017 Freestyle Pen Contest ( REVISED )

2017 Freestyle Pen Contest
In addition to the Universal Bash Guidelines, the contest rules are as follows:

The trademark of this contest is it has the most freedom for creative design.

The Rules
1. It must write.
2. It must be made by you.
3. You may use any and all tools at your disposal as long as you are the one that operates it.

The spirit
This is the contest where we stretch the boundaries of our craft and put more emphasis on the concept and the design than on function. We are looking for the pen that inspires pen design for the next year. In my time as a member here I have seen space ships, modern rifles, medieval weapons, musical instruments, spongebob, a hat with a feather in it, dragons, a stack of animals that were carved out of brass, lab equipment, and others that at present slip my mind. All of these were works of art that also happened to be pens. This is what we are looking for.

There will be an email address provided to send entries to.
A maximum of three pictures will be posted along with your brief description of your work. Judging will be done by the pictures you provide.
Contest will start Wednesday Feb 1st and entries will be accepted through End of day Saturday Feb. 18th.

Winners will be decided by popular vote.
If more than 10 entries there will be a runoff pole.
Pens will be judged on originality and execution.
Pictures and polls will be posted on Monday Feb 20th and end Wednesday Feb 22nd.

Prizes will be given to the top three entries.

Good Luck Everybody!!!
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