2012 Casting Contest (trial post) Opinions???

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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
Hi Folks! This year will be introducing a new contest to the IAP Birthday Bash:


This year I've been asked to head up the contest and my hope is that it will become a long lasting tradition of the IAP Birthday Bash!​

There will be 3 categories in which anyone can participate:​


Pretty self explanitory. Each contestant will have to cast a blank using pigments of any kind. Each blank must use 3 and only 3 distinct colors. This will make the judging easier. We will be looking for good color seperation, flow of colors, and the overall aesthetics of the pen.​

Example: Red, White, Blue


This will cover anything and everything that is 1st cast in resin, then drilled, tubed, and turned. Be creative and unique!​

Examples: Pine cones, Pepper flakes, Pasta​


This will cover anything and everything that is 1st attached to a tube and then cast in resin.​

Examples: Feathers, coins, snakeskin​

Each category will be viewed and judged individually. Members will be limited to 1 entry per category. There will be a top winner in each category so there is a chance for 1 member to win in multiple categories.​

The Casting Contest will begin Feb. 01, 2012 and will end Feb. 19th, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. NO EXCEPTIONS! Our judges will determine the winners for each category and they will be announced Feb. 24th 2012.​


1: To be eligible to participate in any IAP activity your penturners.org member profile must include your real first & last name and your city/state (US) or the location identifier appropriate for your country of residence. Activity participants must be able to be contacted by the penturners.org private messaging system &/or have a valid email address registered with penturners.org.​

2: Do remember that this is a PEN turning forum. Each submission must be made into a pen! All submissions must be a component pen (kit). There are no restrictions on type or style as long as it is a component pen. We hope to see Rollerballs, Fountain pens, and other "Prestigious" component sets. We want to see your best casts shine! Component-less pens will not be eligible.​

3: To enter the contest you must post a picture of your submission to this thread. Please include in the title bar which category you are wanting to submit to (Color, Embedded Object, or Tube On). Remember that we will be judging your entries based on your photographs submitted. Also note that each member is allowed to enter each category 1 time!​

4: Any pen shown publicly (Not just on IAP) prior to Feb. 01, 2012 will be ineligible.​

5: Pens made with the aid of lasers or CNC machines will be ineligible. We want to see unique & creative pens made by YOU!​

If anyone has a question or would like clarification on any of the rules or about their submission please PM me.​

Let's make the first year of the Casting Contest the one to be the standard of years to come!​
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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
How does this look to yall? Also am I forgetting any info or rules? On rule #5 I included CNC machines to the ineligble list along with lasers. Since they can be used for the same type of thing. Opinions??? Thanks!


Passed Away Aug 14, 2013
In Memoriam
Oct 17, 2007
Chadron, Ne, USA.
Rule # 1 is not specific to your contest but a great thing to put in, mind if I steal it and paste it into mine? I had not actually thought to put that directly in the contest rules.


Passed Away Aug 14, 2013
In Memoriam
Oct 17, 2007
Chadron, Ne, USA.
Because it was there, I did not think to put it directly in the contest. Seeing it in yours, it fits pretty well.:wink:


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Your rules look good Jonathon. I have, however, decided to eliminate the need for profile information in any activity that does not require the participant to do something in order for the activity to continue. this contest, and yours too Landon, fall in that category. Someone can submit an entry without profile information because other than submit the entry, there is nothing else for them to do. I will be amending the Activity Rules prior to 2/1/12.
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